spacy.tokens.token.Token.sent_start not responding

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I am trying to use the attribute sent_start of the Token class of Spacy. Here is my code:

In [1]: string_doc = u"Je voudrais maitriser l'outil Spacy. C'est util pour le traitement automatique de textes."

In [2]: import spacy

In [3]: nlp = spacy.load('fr', disable='parser')

In [4]: doc = nlp(string_doc)

In [5]: len(doc)
Out[5]: 17

In [6]: dir(doc[0])

In [7]: [tok.sent_start for tok in doc]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)  

The last command [7] takes too much time, and eventually ipython exits with a Segmentation fault message. Is this a spacy error, or is it my OS ? I am using Fedora 26 and python 2.7 installed with anaconda.


There are 1 best solutions below


Spacy recommends to use is_sent_start instead of sent_start (cf‌​x line 351 to 356)

is_sent_start works as expected!