Specifying a different 'Executed Function' than 'Name' in GCP cloudbuild.yaml

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How do I specify a different "Executed Function" in my cloudbuild.yaml file than the name of the actual function name in GCP?

For example:

  • I have a cloud function, written in python called hello_world
  • In my GCP deployment, I want to name the function hello-world-dev, and hello-world-prod which is passed in the Triggers variables dynamically on build.
  • Build fails because it was expecting the function to be called hello-world-dev or whatever
  • I'm sure there's a flag to specify the executing function, but I haven't found it.

My cloudbuild.yaml file looks like this:

  - name: 'gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk'
      - gcloud
      - functions
      - deploy
      - hello-world-${_ENV}
      - --region=us-west2
      - --source=./demo/hello-world/
      - --trigger-http
      - --runtime=python39

Steps I've Tried

I've tried the following flags:

  • --function
  • --call
  • --deploy

Looking at this documentation: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/deploying

enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


The executed function is the function name in your code. By default, and it's your error, the executed function, if not specified, must be the same as the function name.

If your function name has a different name as the executed function, you need to specify the entrypoint of your function (the function to run in your code). Use the parameter --entry-point=