Speed up strlen using SWAR in x86-64 assembly

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The asm function strlen receives the link to a string as a char - Array. To to so, the function may use SWAR on general purpose register, but without using xmm register or SSE instructions.

The function checks with the bit manipulation: (v - 0x01010101) & ~(v & 0x80808080)in 8 byte steps, if the word contains a zero byte, which marks the end of the string. If it does, it iterates byte per byte until the zero to avoid a page fault.

The alignment works like in this GNU Libc implementation:

for (char_ptr = str; ((unsigned long int) char_ptr & (sizeof (longword) - 1)) != 0; ++char_ptr){
    if (*char_ptr == '\0'){
        return char_ptr - str;

Is there any way to make it faster?

; rdi <- const *char
; rax <- counter + return value
; r10 <- current array for computation
; rcx,r8 <- Bitmask
; rsi <- Arr for calculation 
    PUSH rbp
    SUB rsp,8
    XOR rax,rax    
    MOV r8,31
    CMP byte [rdi+rax],0
    JE end
    MOV rsi,rdi
    ADD rsi,rax
    AND rsi,r8
    CMP rsi,0
    JE while_parallel
    INC rax
    JMP alignment       
    MOV rcx,0x01010101
    MOV r8,0x80808080
    MOV r10,[rdi+rax]
    MOV rsi,r10
    NOT r10
    AND r10,r8
    SUB rsi,rcx
    AND rsi,r10
    CMP rsi,0
    JNE while_single
    ADD rax,8
    JMP while_parallel_loop
    CMP byte [rdi+rax],0
    JE  end
    INC rax
    JMP while_single    
    ADD rsp,8
    POP rbp

Note that I do not intend to use any SSE instructions nor xmm register.


There are 1 best solutions below


The code from the question seems to have a defect: Mycroft's magic constants have not been extended to 64 bits. As for efficiency: the various x86-64 calling conventions are primarily register-based, so it is not necessary to maintain a stack frame for simple functions. The main loop in the posted code appears a bit too complex; note that most x86 instructions set flags that can be used for branching. Instead of processing byte-wise until reaching the next QWORD boundary from the start of the string, simply read the entire QWORD it falls in, and overwrite the bytes preceding start of the string with 0xff. The resulting "masked' data can then be processed by the regular QWORD processing loop.

Below is x86-64 code written for Windows that incorporates these suggestions. Adjusting it to the System V ABI used by Linux should require nothing more than a cyclical exchange of registers. Note that on CPUs with BMI instruction set extension the 64-bit processing loop can be reduced by one instructions by merging the not rcx with the following and rcx, r9 into andn rcx, rcx, r9.

PUBLIC  strglen


        ALIGN 16

;; Alan Mycroft's null-byte detection algorithm (newsgroup comp.lang.c, 1987/04/08,
;; https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.lang.c/2HtQXvg7iKc/xOJeipH6KLMJ):
;; null_byte(x) = ((x - 0x01010101) & (~x & 0x80808080))
mycroft_magic1 EQU 0101010101010101h
mycroft_magic2 EQU 8080808080808080h 

;; size_t strglen (const char *src);

;; Windows x86-64 calling convention:
;; function arguments: rcx, rdx, r8, r9
;; function return value: rax
;; scratch registers: rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10, r11

strglen PROC
        mov    rax, rcx             ; src pointer
        mov    r8, rcx              ; src pointer
        mov    r9, mycroft_magic2   ; 0x8080808080808080
        mov    r10, -mycroft_magic1 ; -0x0101010101010101
        and    rcx, 7               ; ofs = src & 7; src qword aligned ?
        jz     process_qwords       ; yes, ofs is zero, process qword wise

        sub    rax, rcx             ; src -= ofs
        shl    rcx, 3               ; ofs * CHAR_BIT
        mov    rdx, -1              ; ~0
        shl    rdx, cl              ; ~0 << (ofs * CHAR_BIT)
        mov    rcx, qword ptr [rax] ; load aligned qword
        not    rdx                  ; mask = ~(~0 << (ofs * CHAR_BIT))
        or     rcx, rdx             ; set unused bytes to 0xff
        jmp    process_qwords_alt   ; use alternate loop entry

        ALIGN 16

        mov    rcx, qword ptr [rax] ; load aligned qword
        add    rax, 8               ; src += 8
        lea    rdx, [rcx + r10]     ; qword - 0x0101010101010101
        not    rcx                  ; ~qword
        and    rcx, r9              ; ~qword & 0x8080808080808080
        and    rcx, rdx             ; (qword - 0x0101010101010101) & (~qword & 0x8080808080808080)
        jz     process_qwords       ; if zero, no null byte found, continue

        bsf    rcx, rcx             ; find first set bit (null byte)
        shr    rcx, 3               ; convert bit position to byte position
        lea    rax, [rax + rcx - 8] ; reverse pre-increment to compute byte count
        sub    rax, r8              ; src - original src = length

strglen ENDP

        ALIGN 16



I used the ISO-C99 test scaffolding below to check the correctness of the strglen implementation above. I built with the Microsoft Macro Assembler and the Intel C/C++ compiler, as follows: ml64 -c strglen.asm, icl /Qstd=c99 /Ox /W4 strlen.c strglen.obj. I also inspected the generated machine code with dumpbin /disasm strglen.obj, mostly to make sure the alignment directives work as desired and that loop unrolling via the REPT macro works correctly, as I had not used that in the past twenty years.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

extern size_t strglen (const char* str);

int main (void)
    const char a[] = "0123456789 the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
    char* src =  malloc (sizeof(a));
    size_t ref, res;

    printf ("src=%p\n", a);

    for (int srcofs = 0; srcofs < 8; srcofs++) {
        for (size_t len = 0; len < sizeof(a); len++) {
            memcpy (src, a, sizeof(a));
            src [len] = 0;
            ref = strlen (src + srcofs);
            res = strglen (src + srcofs);
            if (res != ref) {
                printf ("error @ srcofs=%d  len=%zu  ref=%zu  res=%zu\n", 
                        srcofs, len, ref, res);
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf ("Test passed\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;