Spock Framework: problems with spying

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I have an issue with using Spy in Spock, it either doesn't work as it should or my understanding is wrong so I'm trying to clarify this. Consider this code (Java):

public class CallingClass {

    public String functionOne() {
        //does stuff
        return "one";

    public String functionTwo() {
        String one = functionOne();
        return "some string " + one;

Now I want to test the fact that functionTwo calls functionOne as well as define the returned value from functionOne (imagine for instance if functionOne is really complicated and I don't want to execute it in my test just want to stub it and set it to return a certain value). For this i write the following test in Groovy (using Spock):

class CallingClassTest extends Specification {

    def "check that functionTwo calls functionOne"() {
        def c = Spy(CallingClass)
        c.functionOne() >> "mocked function return"

        def s = c.functionTwo()

        1 * c.functionOne()
        s == "some string mocked function return"

In order to do things like this, Spock is asking me to have the cglib library, so my build file (in Gradle) looks something like this:

apply plugin: 'groovy'

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:latest.release'

    testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-core:latest.release'
    testCompile 'junit:junit:latest.release'
    testCompile 'cglib:cglib-nodep:latest.release'


Now when I run the test, I expect the functionOne not to be called at all, and instead my stubbed out version to be used. Instead, I get this:

Condition not satisfied:

s == "some string mocked function return"
| |
| false
| 19 differences (44% similarity)
| some string (-)o(-------)n(-------)e(----)
| some string (m)o(cked fu)n(ction r)e(turn)
some string one

Condition not satisfied:

s == "some string mocked function return"
| |
| false
| 19 differences (44% similarity)
| some string (-)o(-------)n(-------)e(----)
| some string (m)o(cked fu)n(ction r)e(turn)
some string one

    at CallingClassTest.check that functionTwo calls functionOne(CallingClassTest.groovy:17)

Even more so, if I debug this and set a breakpoint in functionOne it gets called :(

What am I missing? Shouldn't my test use the stubbed functionOne provided and just return the string "mocked function return"?


There are 1 best solutions below


It should be:


import spock.lang.*

class CallingClassTest extends Specification {

    def "check that functionTwo calls functionOne"() {
        def c = Spy(CallingClass)

        def s = c.functionTwo()

        1 * c.functionOne() >> "mocked function return"
        s == "some string mocked function return"

public class CallingClass {

    public String functionOne() {

    public String functionTwo() {
        String one = functionOne()        
        "some string $one"

When you both spy/mock and verify this is how return value should be specified.