Spring Hibernate Validator check step by step

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I had many constraint on a single property, like this:

@Size(min = 2, max = 20)
@Pattern(regexp= "^[0-9a-z_A-Z\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$")
private String username;

but, when it works, it will check all constraints, and I just want check step by step, so how can i do? and I found a special constraint, that is @Email constraint, I do like this:

private String email;

I found it will check step by step, if the @NotEmpty constraint check failed, it will not check @Email constraint, I just found @Email have the function, I want to say, there is some especial for @Email?

It is so confused for me, and I hoped someone could help me, thanks.


There are 2 best solutions below


Sounds like you should look into creating a custom validator.

here is a good example on how to setup a basic custom validator (go to section called Custom Validator Implementations, especially the way they do the EmployeeFormValidator): http://www.journaldev.com/2668/spring-mvc-form-validation-example-using-annotation-and-custom-validator-implementation

Creata a custom ordering in there that you want to have and then just bind it within your controller against your expected object (or call the validate function.


If you are gonna use JSR-303, that is what you are doing in your code and custom validator, it's not easy for you control the order of validation. Therefore, better to transform all those validation in a custom validator, it's much more flexible.

(1)Implements the Spring validator interface

public XXXValidator implements Validator {

     @Autowired MessageSource messageSource
        public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
                return XXXX.class.equals(clazz);

        public void validate(Object obj, Errors e) {
            //do your validation here

(2) in you controller

XXXValidator validator=new XXXValidator ();
public String handlePostMethodExample(@ModelAndAttribute XXX xxx,BindingResult error)
  validator.validate({instance of XXX object here});
   //handle error here