Spring Integration, change udp-outbound-channel port

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I'm using spring integration to send line of files in UDP. Here is what I'm doing:

    prevent-duplicates="false" id="filesIn" directory="file:input"
    <int:poller default="true" fixed-rate="1000" />

<int:splitter input-channel="inputFiles" output-channel="output">
    <bean class="fr.spring.demo.FileSplitter">
        <property name="commentPrefix" value="#" />

<int:transformer input-channel="output" expression="payload"
    output-channel="exampleChannel" />

<int:channel id="exampleChannel" />

    id="udpOut" channel="exampleChannel" host="" port="11111">

So it takes a list of files from a repertory, splits the file in lines and sends the line on port 11111.

What I would like to do, is to send the lines on a predefined port depending on the extension of the file:

  • All the lines of *.txt files will be sent on port 11111
  • All the lines of *.csv files will be sent on port 11112
  • And so on



There are 2 best solutions below


It is not currently possible to select the port based on the message; please feel free to open a new feature JIRA Issue.

In the meantime, you can declare two adapters, one with each port, and add a router upstream to route to one or the other based on the file extension.


Thanks Gary!

Here is how I proceed:

    prevent-duplicates="false" id="filesIn" directory="file:input"
    <int:poller default="true" fixed-rate="1000" />

<int:chain input-channel="inputFiles">
        <int:header name="extension"
            expression="payload.getName().substring(payload.getName().lastIndexOf('.'))" />
        <bean class="fr.spring.demo.FileSplitter">
            <property name="commentPrefix" value="#" />
    <int:router expression="headers.extension">
        <int:mapping value=".gps" channel="udpChannel_11111" />
        <int:mapping value=".ths" channel="udpChannel_11112" />

<int:channel id="udpChannel_11111" />
<int:channel id="udpChannel_11112" />
    channel="udpChannel_11111" host="" port="11111" />
    channel="udpChannel_11112" host="" port="11112" />