SQL Sorting With Overlap

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I have a table containing a list of indicies and values


Index     Value
  1        10
  2        11
  3        16
  4        18
  5        14
  6        11
  7        10
  8        12
  9        20
 10        17

I need to use two other tables to separate the values.

Table1 will contain rows from OrigTable where Value is <=15, and

Table2 will contain >15, but also containing one point in either direction such that if index n corresponds to a value above 15, it will be included in Table 2, but so will indicies n-1 and n+1

as such the result will


Index    Value
  1        10
  2        11
  5        14
  6        11
  7        10
  8        12


Index    Value
  2        11
  3        16
  4        18
  5        14
  8        12
  9        20
 10        17

I haven't been able to determine a way to do this using SQL. Is it not possible, or am I missing some command that would make this doable?

EDIT: 15 would be included in Table 1; I forgot to add 'or equal to'. By 'one point in either direction', I meant that if index n corresponds to a value above 15, it will be included in Table 2, but so will indicies n-1 and n+1


There are 2 best solutions below

create table OrigTable
theIndex int not null,
theValue int not null

insert into OrigTable (theIndex,theValue) values (1,10),(2,11),(3,16),(4,18),(5,14),(6,11),(7,10),(8,12),(9,20),(10,17);
-- select * from OrigTable;

create table table1
theIndex int not null,
theValue int not null

create table table2
theIndex int not null,
theValue int not null

insert into table1 (theIndex,theValue) select theIndex,theValue from OrigTable where theValue<=15;

insert into table2 (theIndex,theValue) select theIndex,theValue from OrigTable where theValue>15;

insert into table2 (theIndex,theValue) 
select a.theIndex,a.theValue 
from table2 b
join OrigTable a
on a.theIndex=b.theIndex-1
where a.theIndex not in (select theIndex from table2)

insert into table2 (theIndex,theValue) 
select a.theIndex,a.theValue 
from table2 b
join OrigTable a
on a.theIndex=b.theIndex+1
where a.theIndex not in (select theIndex from table2)

select * from table1 order by theIndex
select * from table2 order by theIndex

You just need one point, and it might not be 15. So, for the first query:

select t.*
from table t
where t.value <= 15

And for the second:

(select t.*
 from table t
 where t.value <= 15
 order by t.value desc
 limit 1
) union all
(select t.*
 from table t
 where t.value > 15