SQL statement for a tricky 2 table query

108 Views Asked by At

I'm struggling with SQL to much to get this working, table design is given, so I can't change it.

Table 1

    username    usergroup   flag
    hans        unit1       0
    unit1       group1      NULL
    unit1       group2      NULL
    erwin       unit1       0
    jan         unit2       0
    jan         unit1       0
    unit2       group1      NULL
    unit2       group3      NULL

Table 2

    usergroup   roll_id
    group1      4   
    group2      5   
    group3      6   

I need a statement that fetches the roll_ids for a given user name.


Users have flag 0. Groups have flag NULL.


User jan is in unit1 and unit2, now every unit has one or more groups, stored in the same table.
So, before fetching the roll_id I need to know which groups to fetch?

Any help would be appreciated.


There are 2 best solutions below

SELECT t2.roll_id FROM table1 t1a, table1 t1b, table2 t2
WHERE t1a.flag = 0 AND t1a.usergroup = t1b.username
AND t1b.usergroup =  t2.username AND t1a.username = 'someUsername'

2 copies of table1 to find the actual 'usergroup' for an user? and join it with table2?


A simple JOIN should do it. If I understand your requirements correctly, this should work:

SELECT table2.roll_id FROM table2 INNER JOIN table1 ON (table2.username = table1.usergroup) WHERE table1.username="enter a username here"

I assumed your schema was correct and that table1.usergroup matches up with table2.username. You might want to consider renaming your column names for clarity.