SSD1306 - tinydraw: screen udates are very slow

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I am trying to update an image on screen based on input (button pressed)

the code look roughly like this:

package main

import (

func main() {

  UP := machine.GP17
    Mode: machine.PinInputPullup,

  // configure the display 
  machine.I2C0.Configure(machine.I2CConfig{Frequency: machine.TWI_FREQ_400KHZ, SCL: 1, SDA: 0 })

  display := ssd1306.NewI2C(machine.I2C0)
    display.Configure(ssd1306.Config{Width: 128, Height: 64, Address: ssd1306.Address_128_32, VccState: ssd1306.SWITCHCAPVCC})

 for {
  if UP.Get(){
        tinydraw.Circle(&display, 64, 48, 8, color.RGBA{1, 1, 1, 255})
    tinydraw.FilledCircle(&display, 64, 48, 8, color.RGBA{1, 1, 1, 255})
    // blip on screen

    // timer, without time it doens work
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 300)

My question is is really why to I need the timer at the end. If I remove it, I the changes on changes are not pushed to the screen. with it, it takes too much time to update.

is there anyways to speed up the screen updating process ? maybe another lib that tinydraw?

I have tryed to change the timer, but it either takes too long to update or just stop updating whrn the value is too low.


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