SSI parser written in PHP?

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OK, this might sound a little crazy, but bear with me here for a minute.

I'm working on a site where the standard is to use SSI to include page headers, footers, and menus. The included files use SSI conditionals to handle different browsers, some #include nesting, and some #set / #if trickery to highlight the current page in the menu. In other words, it's more than just #include directives in the SSI.

I'm sure some might argue with the aesthetics, but it actually works quite nicely, for static HTML.

Now, the problem: I'd like to just "#include" the same SSI-parsed header and footer html files from my PHP scripts, thus avoiding code duplication and still maintaining the site's uniform look. If PHP were running in the usual mod_php environment, I'd be able to do just that by using PHP's virtual() function. Unfortunately, the site is using FastCGI/suexec to run PHP (so that each VirtualHost can run as a different user), and this breaks virtual().

I've been using a fairly simple SSI parser I wrote in PHP (it handles #includes, and some really simple #if statements), but I'd like a more general solution. So, before I go nuts and write some probably-buggy, more complete SSI parser, does anyone know of a complete SSI parser written in PHP? Naturally, I'm also open to other solutions that work under the constraints I've outlined.

Thanks so much for your time.


There are 2 best solutions below


Take a look at ESI :

You can create a PHP-proxy to handle them, it's the HttpCache in Symfony2 :

Or use a HTTP proxy like Varnish, more performant than Symfony2...


I realize this is an old question, but I ran into that same problem a few years ago, though with a perl implementation. I went ahead and forked a previous attempt and got pretty far into implementing a full apache (2.2.22) mod_include emulator/parser as a perl module Soon after that I found apache output filters, and realized how perfect a solution that is for my needs. Basically, you can tell apache to parse the output of your script as if it was a .shtml or .php (or whatever) file. So you can output SSI markup from a perl or php (or whatever) script, and have apache parse that. This is how you can do it (in your .htaccess file):

AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .cgi

That's for normal cgi files, but beware, this adds quite a bit of overhead to all .cgi files being executed, so what I actually do is create a special extension so that it runs as a cgi that then has its output parsed, without having the overhead added to normal cgi files:

<Files ~ ".pcgi$">
    Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Includes
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .pcgi

for php you could just do something like:

<Files ~ ".pphp$">
    Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Includes
    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .pphp

and that should do the trick! Hope that helps someone out there.