Stardog on VM Linux Ubutu - memory capacity

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We are experiencing performance problems with Stardog requests (about 500 000ms minimum to get an answer). We followed the Debian Based Systems installation described in the Stardog documentation and have a stardog service installed in our Ubutu VM.

Azure machine: Standard D4s v3 (4 virtual processors, 16 Gb memory)
Total amount of memory of the VM = 16 Gio of memory

We tested several JVM environment variables

  • Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8g
  • Xms8g -Xmx8g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8g

We also tried to upgrade the VM with a machine but without success: Azure: Standard D8s v3 - 8 virtual processors, 32 Gb memory

By doing the command: systemctl status stardog in the machine with 32Gio memory we get :

stardog.service - Stardog Knowledge Graph
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/stardog.service; enabled; vendor prese>
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-01-17 15:41:40 UTC; 1min 35s ago
    Process: 797 ExecStart=/opt/stardog/ start (code=exited, s>
   Main PID: 969 (java)
      Tasks: 76 (limit: 38516)
     Memory: 1.9G
     CGroup: /system.slice/stardog.service
             └─969 java -Dstardog.home=/var/opt/stardog/ -Xmx8g -Xms8g XX:MaxD

stardog-admin server status :

Access Log Enabled       : true
Access Log Type          : text
Audit Log Enabled        : true
Audit Log Type           : text
Backup Storage Directory : .backup
CPU Load                 : 1.88 %
Connection Timeout       : 10m
Export Storage Directory : .exports
Memory Heap              : 305M (Max: 8.0G)
Memory Mode              : DEFAULT{Starrocks.block_cache=20, Starrocks.dict_block_cache=10, Native.starrocks=70, Heap.dict_value=50, Starrocks.txn_block_cache=5, Heap.dict_index=50, Starrocks.untracked_memory=20, Starrocks.memtable=40, Starrocks.buffer_pool=5, Native.query=30}
Memory Query Blocks      :   0B (Max: 5.7G)
Memory RSS               : 4.3G
Named Graph Security     : false
Platform Arch            : amd64
Platform OS              : Linux 5.15.0-1031-azure, Java 1.8.0_352
Query All Graphs         : false
Query Timeout            : 1h
Security Disabled        : false
Stardog Home             : /var/opt/stardog
Stardog Version          : 8.1.1
Strict Parsing           : true
Uptime                   : 2 hours 18 minutes 51 seconds

Knowing that there is only stardog server installed in this VM, 8G JVM Heap Memory & 20G Direct Memory for Java, is it normal to have 1.9G in memory (No process in progress) and 4.1G (when the query is in progress)

"databases.xxxx.queries.latency": {
"count": 7,
"max": 471.44218324400003,
"mean": 0.049260736982859085,
"min": 0.031328932000000004,
"p50": 0.048930366,
"p75": 0.048930366,
"p95": 0.048930366,
"p98": 0.048930366,
"p99": 0.048930366,
"p999": 0.048930366,
"stddev": 0.3961819852037625,
"m15_rate": 0.0016325388459502614,
"m1_rate": 0.0000015369791915358426,
"m5_rate": 0.0006317127755974434,
"mean_rate": 0.0032760240366080024,
"duration_units": "seconds",
"rate_units": "calls/second"

There are 1 best solutions below


Of all your queries the slowest took 8 minutes to complete while the others completed very quickly. Best to identify the slow query and profile it.