I have a abstract animal class and other subclass like reptiles which is further inherited.
I have created array to initialize the animal as shown below:
public void initializeArray()
zooAnimal = new Animal[10]; // We will make 10 animals:
// Polymorphism allows us to assign an object of a subclass to an
// object reference to a superclass/ancestor.
zooAnimal[0] = new Kookaburra("Kelly",5); // A 5kg kookaburra
zooAnimal[1] = new Lizard("Lizzy",2,3); // A 2kg, 3-year-old lizard
zooAnimal[2] = new Crocodile("Colin", 200, 7); // a 7-yo 200kg croc.
zooAnimal[3] = new Rosella("Katie", 2, "Crimson"); // a 2-yo Crimson Rosella
zooAnimal[4] = new Rosella("Rosie", 4, "Green"); // a 4-yo Green Rosella
zooAnimal[5] = new Snake("Boris","Brown",15,3); // A Brown Snake, 15kg, 3 years
zooAnimal[7] = new Snake("Rita","Rattle",22,1); // A Rattle Snake, 22kg, 1 years
zooAnimal[6] = new Dolphin("Dolly", 142, 6); // A heavy, 6-yo dolphin.
zooAnimal[8] = new Kookaburra("Kenneth",4); // A 4kg kookaburra
zooAnimal[9] = new Rosella("Yippy", 1, "Yellow"); // a 1-yo Yellow Rosella
But I want to achieve the same using an ArrayList instead of array.
How this can be done?
My Animal class and sub-classes look like this:
Animal class
public abstract class Animal
private int weight;
private int age;
private String name;
protected Animal(String name, int weight, int age)
this.name = name;
this.weight = weight;
this.age = age;
public final int getWeight() { return weight; }
public final int getAge() { return age; }
public final String getName() { return name; }
public abstract void makeNoise(); // Must be implemented by a subclass
/** Provides a default description of the animal.
* Sub-classes should override. */
public String toString()
return "Animal Object: [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", weight=" + weight + "]";
And I have a Bird
class (sub-class of Animal
class), a Kookabura
class (sub-class of Animal
), Reptile
class (sub-class of Animal
class) and a Lizard
subclass (sub-class of Reptile
class) and so on!!
You can do like this: