Strange gdb 7.9 boost on Yosemite 10.10.13

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I just updated my system to osx 10.10.13, and reinstalled the gdb7.9. I can use it with some simple debug action. But when i try to "r" in gdb, it shows

warning: Could not open OSO archive file "/BinaryCache/corecrypto/corecrypto-233.1.2~26/Symbols/BuiltProducts/libcorecrypto_static.a"
warning: `/BinaryCache/coreTLS/coreTLS-35.20.2~10/Objects/': can't open to read symbols: No such file or directory.
warning: Could not open OSO archive file "/BinaryCache/coreTLS/coreTLS-35.20.2~10/Symbols/BuiltProducts/libcoretls_ciphersuites.a"
warning: Could not open OSO archive file "/BinaryCache/coreTLS/coreTLS-35.20.2~10/Symbols/BuiltProducts/libcoretls_handshake.a"
warning: Could not open OSO archive file "/BinaryCache/coreTLS/coreTLS-35.20.2~10/Symbols/BuiltProducts/libcoretls_record.a"
warning: Could not open OSO archive file "/BinaryCache/coreTLS/coreTLS-35.20.2~10/Symbols/BuiltProducts/libcoretls_stream_parser.a"

It seems strange, could you help me to solve this problem?


There are 1 best solutions below


This happens only in Yosemite and only for GDB after 7.8, so installing GDB 7.7 solves the problem, as described in this issue. You can fix it by removing your GDB, and install GDB 7.7 with this formula, i.e., with command

brew install


  • I am not sure whether this is necessary, but I tapped the formula to prevent it from updating to latest GDB 7.10.
  • I assume you already codesigned it.