Streamlining Geolocation Data for Efficient Route Mapping: How to Simplify Coordinates for Improved Accuracy?

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I'm facing a challenge in my project and would like to ask for some assistance. I need to implement a functionality that captures the user's location in my application using the library

The goal is to store the user's entire route during the use of the application and, ultimately, display the exact route that they traveled. Currently, I'm using the open-source API{profile}/post

to generate the traveled route. However, this** API has a limit of 70 coordinate points**, while the background-geolocation library returns the location every 50 meters to ensure greater precision, resulting in thousands of coordinates for a simple 5 km trip.

I would like to know how I can optimize my array of coordinates to eliminate unnecessary ones, such as coordinates in a straight line on a highway. The focus is on identifying the most relevant points, such as map intersections, changes in direction, and entering a new street. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on this matter.

I've increased the distance between the points where the background-geolocation library collects data, but this has resulted in a lack of precision, particularly in densely populated areas with numerous intersections. Ultimately, my application displayed an incorrect route.


There are 1 best solutions below


I found a solution to my problem, there is an algorithm called Douglas-Peucker that removes unnecessary points