I have been working on some Java code and I came across a really weird error, Im trying to replace a piece of string with an Integer. Added all kinds of debugs but I cant seem to find it out.
private void executeMsg() {
value = value.replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "§$2");
String border = tostiuhc.getWorldManager().getBorderSize() - tostiuhc.getShrinksize() + "";
String time = tostiuhc.getPhase().getMinutes() + "";
System.out.println("BORDER: " + border);
System.out.println("TIME: " + time);
value = value.replace("-border-", border + "");
value = value.replace("-time-", time + "");
tostiuhc.broadcast(value + " " + time);
As you can see, I create new String called 'time' and print it out 'TIME: value'. The original string that I'm changing is: The event is now -time- minutes in!
The problem here is that System.out.println("TIME:") shows the correct value, but the .replace just DOESNT work. I cant get my head around this, anyone has any idea?
The replace only works on the first execution. After that,
no longer contains-time-
. As a solution, you can use a temporary variable to do your replacement: