String to Double Conversion (Comma to dot issue)

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Struggling with the basics - I'm trying to code a simple currency converter. The XML provided by external source uses comma as a decimal separator for exchange rate (kurs_sredni):

    <nazwa_waluty>bat (Tajlandia)</nazwa_waluty>

I already managed to load the data from XML into a nifty list of objects (kursyAktualne), and now i'm trying to do the math. I'm stuck with conversion.

First of all i'm assigning "kurs_sredni" to a string, trying to replace "," with "." and converting the hell out of it:

string kursS = kursyAktualne[iNa].kurs_sredni;
kurs = Convert.ToDouble(kursS);

The messagebox show 1099 instead of expected 0.1099 and kursS still has comma, not dot.

Tried toying with some cultureInfo stuff i googled, but that was too random. I need to understand how to control this.


There are 4 best solutions below


It is because Replace method returns new string with replaced characters. It does not modify your original string.

So you need to reassign it:

kursS = kursS.Replace(",",".");

Just use decimal.Parse but specify a CultureInfo. There's nothing "random" about it - pick an appropriate CultureInfo, and then use that. For example:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Test
    static void Main()
        var french = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR");
        decimal value = decimal.Parse("0,1099", french);
        Console.WriteLine(value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // 0.1099

This is just using French as one example of a culture which uses , as a decimal separator. It would probably make sense to use the culture of the origin of the data.

Note that decimal is a better pick for currency values than double - you're trying to represent an "artificial" construct which is naturally specified in base10, rather than a "natural" continuous value such as a weight.

(I would also be wary of a data provider who provides data in a non-standard format. If they're getting that wrong, who knows what else they'll get wrong. It's not like XML doesn't have a well-specified format for numbers...)


Replace returns a string. So you need an assignment.

kursS = kursS.Replace(",", ".");

There is "neater" way of doing this by using CulturInfo. Look this up on the MSDN website.


You replace result isn't used, but the original value that doesn't contain the replace. You should do:

kursS = kursS.Replace(",", ".")

In addition this method isn't really safe if there are thousands-separators. So if you are not using culture settings you should do:

kursS = kursS.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".")