SuperCollider: RecordNRT renders wrong duration

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I want to render a sound sequence using RecordNRT. It already works, but the duration of the rendered file is too short.

    var p;

    [\BPM, MasterSequencer.instance.globalBPM].postln;
    [\BARS, this.bars].postln;

    this.sequenceDuration = ((60 / MasterSequencer.instance.globalBPM) * 4) * this.bars;
    [\duration, this.sequenceDuration].postln;

    SynthDef(\sampler, { |out, buffer, rate=1, amp|
        var snd =, buffer,*rate, doneAction:2);, snd * amp)

    p = Pbind(
        \rate, this.slider2.value,
        \dur, (1 / this.steps) * 4,
        \amp, Pseq(binarySequence) * this.slider1.value,

    p = p.score.insert(1, [0, ["/b_allocRead",, this.samplePath, 0, -1]]);
    Dialog.savePanel({ |path,score|
        var header = path.basename.split($.);
        if(header.size == 1){
            header = "WAV";
            path = path ++ ".wav";
            header = header.last;
        if(header == "aif"){ header = "AIFF" };
        if(header == "aiff"){ header = "AIFF" };
        if(header == "wav"){ header = "WAV" };

            path.dirname +/+ path.basename ++ ".osc", path,
            duration: this.sequenceDuration

The calculation this.sequenceDuration=(60/BPM)*4*bars is right i guess, this.sequenceDuration=(4*bars)/(BPM/60) would do it as well. So the imput this.sequenceDurationdoes not match the duration of the outcoming file.

I have no idea what could be the problem. I check the duration and the BPM and the bars by posting them before. I post the duration, everything seems right. Rendering finishes and the file and it has not the right duration.

  • File with bars=4 BPM=70 _should be 13.71 sec, but is 11.71 sec long.
  • File with bars=8 BPM=70 _should be 27.42 sec, but is 23.43 sec long.
  • File with bars=4 BPM=140 should be 06.85 sec, but is 02.94 sec long.
  • File with bars=8 BPM=140 should be 13.71 sec, but is 05.87 sec long.

  • File with bars=4 BPM=120 should be 08.00 sec, but is 04.00 sec long.

  • File with bars=8 BPM=120 should be 16.00 sec, but is 08.00 sec long.
  • File with bars=4 BPM=150 should be 06.40 sec, but is 02.56 sec long.
  • File with bars=8 BPM=150 should be 12.80 sec, but is 05.12 sec long.

There are 1 best solutions below


You might be seeing a bug which is fixed in the upcoming 3.7 version, in which the last chunk of audio samples failed to get written to disk. The fix was 28th March 2015 here:

3.7 is not out yet but you can build from source or wait for the prerelease.

An obvious workaround is to use longer files than needed, and truncate them afterwards.