Sveltekit component doesn't update filtered object on pagination

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I'm new to Svelte and struggling with the reactive nature of passing variables to a component.

I have:

  • votes = json object holding all votes for all actors
  • /actors = paginated display of pages with variables passed to URL via goto (i.e. /actors?page=0&limit=10)

In actors/+page.svelte I have a loop which passes in a single actor's vote from a json object of all the actors' votes:

{#each data.actors as actor}
       <Person actor={actor} vote={votes.length ? votes.filter(function (entry) {
            if(entry.type === 'actor' && entry.typeId ==={
                  return true;
            return false;
            }):{}} hasSession={!!data.session}/>

And the component Person.svelte does some logic to calculate:

    export let actor;
    export let vote; //the vote json object (if exists)
    let voted = vote.length ? true : false;
    let lastVote = vote.length && typeof(vote[0].vote) ? vote[0].vote :  false; 
    let voteAvg = actor.voteAvg;
    let voteTotal = actor.voteTotal;
    let captureVote = async function(e){
        const newVote =;
        //update the card
        voteAvg = voteAvg - lastVote + parseInt(newVote);
        const response = await fetch('/vote', {
            method: 'POST',
            body: JSON.stringify({ 
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        if( !voted ){
            console.log('fist vote');
            voted = true;

with the variables being passed into the html as follows (Using components):

<div class="p-4 space-y-4">

        <a href="/actor/{}">
            <h4 class="h5 h-14 max-h-full overflow-hidden" data-toc-ignore="">{}</h4>
        <div class="flex w-100 items-center space-x-4">
            <div class="flex-auto flex justify-between items-center">
                <span class="chip variant-filled">{voteAvg}</span>
                <small class="small">{voteTotal} votes</small>

    <hr class="opacity-50">
    <footer class="p-2 w-100">
            <RadioGroup background="none" display="flex" border="none" active="variant-filled-primary" hover="hover:variant-soft-primary">
                <RadioItem bind:group={lastVote}  on:click={captureVote} name="justify" value={1}><i class="fa-regular fa-thumbs-up"></i></RadioItem>
                <RadioItem bind:group={lastVote} on:click={captureVote} name="justify" value={-1}><i class="fa-regular fa-thumbs-down"></i></RadioItem>
                <RadioItem bind:group={lastVote}  on:click={captureVote} name="justify" value={0}><i class="fa-regular fa-minus"></i></RadioItem>

Everything works as expected as far as paginating through actors - their details update as page/limit changes - however the "vote" object being passed in remains static to the order it was passed into on the initial load. A console.log inside Person component demonstrates that it isn't firing the calculation logic again, and/or the filtering logic is not being passed in.

I tried to change the variables in Person.svelte to be reactive - i.e.

$: voted = vote.length ? true : false;
$: lastVote = vote.length && typeof(vote[0].vote) ? vote[0].vote :  false; 
$: voteAvg = actor.voteAvg;
$: voteTotal = actor.voteTotal;

while this did initially appear to solve the problem (proper votes were displaying as i paginate through results), the component's logic of casting a vote and updating things like voteAvg and voteTotal no longer worked.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but your help is greatly appreciated! :)


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