Swift L-System Algae

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So this is just something I'm doing for fun in the IBM Swift sandbox. I did a L-system algae in Scala recently and though it would be cool to do it in Swift to see how the language compares.


That's the Scala one to show you what I'm aiming for, and this is what I have in Swift;

  * Created by t.hood on 26/01/16
  * L-System Algae

 import Foundation

 // Mapping function for string

 func stringmap(x: String) -> String {
 var str = x;

     // Replace characters in string
     str = x.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("A", withString: "AB") +
     str.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("B", withString: "A");

  // Return mapped string;
  return str;

 func lsys() {

 // Declarations

 var iteration : Int = 2;
 var x = 0;
 var lsystem: String = "A";
 let charA: Character = "A";
 let charB: Character = "B";

 while(x != iteration) {


  // Iterate through characters in string
  for chars in lsystem.characters {
    lsystem = stringmap(lsystem);

  // Inc count ..


 // Run ..

The problem I'm having is in my mapping function. I need it to map x, print the result, then do the next map on str. The problem is I have the operator + between both maps and I can't get swift to print str after the first operation.

Anyone any ideas on how to get around this? If I could print str after the first replacements I think it would work.


There are 1 best solutions below


I created a project in Xcode so I could use the debugger to see what's going on. Here's what I found.

I moved your print statement into the for loop so it would show the value of lsystem every time the loop executed.

The while loop executes twice, when x == 0 and 1 The first time through the while loop lsystem == 'A', so the for loop executes once. In stringmap(), the 'A' becomes 'ABA'. 'ABA' is printed. The second time through the while loop, the for loop gets executed three times. For loop 1: 'ABA' is sent to stringmap() and 'ABBABAAA' is returned. For loop 2: 'ABBABAAA' is sent to stringmap() and 'ABBBABBABABABAAAAAAAA' is returned. For loop 3: 'ABBBABBABABABAAAAAAAA' is sent to stringmap() and 'ABBBBABBBABBABBABBABABABABABABABABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' is returned.

I modified your stringmap() function to iterate through the string character by character and apply the grammar to each character, appending each change to a new string that was then returned to lsys().

Seven iterations of the while loop returned this, which agrees with what I see in the Wikipedia article about L-system. Iteration 0: A Iteration 1: AB Iteration 2: ABA Iteration 3: ABAAB Iteration 4: ABAABABA Iteration 5: ABAABABAABAAB Iteration 6: ABAABABAABAABABAABABA Iteration 7: ABAABABAABAABABAABABAABAABABAABAAB

Here's the code. This worked in a playground on my iMac, I'd expect it to work in the IBM Swift sandbox too.

func stringmap(x: String) -> String
    var returnString = ""

    for char in x.characters
        switch (char)
        case "A" :
            returnString += "AB"
        case "B":
            returnString += "A"
    return returnString

func lsys()

    // Declarations

    let iteration : Int = 7;
    var x = 0;
    var lsystem: String = "A";

    print("Iteration \(x): \(lsystem)")

    while(x != iteration)
        lsystem = stringmap(lsystem)
        print("Iteration \(x): \(lsystem)")

