SwiftUI- Make Only the Visible Part of png Image Respond to Tap Gesture

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I'm working on a iOS app (using SwiftUI) in which the user must tap an image to get a response. The image overlays another background image, so it intentionally has some transparency. In some of the images there is a lot of transparent space. This allows too much tappable area in "empty space". I would like to refine it so that only the visible part is responsive to the tap gesture.

As of right now, anywhere a user taps the gesture responds...even if the user taps in a transparent part of the image. I found a similar question here Make only visible parts of png clickable UIbutton swift, but it seems to deal with multiple images in a ZStack. Here is some code that I have:

var simpleTap: some Gesture { 
      .onEnded { _ in 

There are 1 best solutions below


The key here is to set the contentShape of the image to a Shape that represents the outline of the image.

If your image is a static image, then you can just use an image editor to find the outline and export it to a vector graphics format. For example, in GIMP, you can select the non-transparent part of the image, convert selection to path, then export that path to SVG. (See What's the easiest way to turn the non-transparent parts of any image file into a single svg path?) Then you can read the SVG with something like PocketSVG, get a CGPath, and create a SwiftUI Path from it.

let svgURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "foo", withExtension: "svg")!
let paths = SVGBezierPath.pathsFromSVG(at: svgURL)
// you can save the 2 things above somewhere else, so that it doesn't get
// recomputed every time the view updates.
    .onTapGesture {
    .overlay { // overlay showing you where the tappable area is
        Path(paths.first!.cgPath).stroke(lineWidth: 1)

If the image is resizable, you should resize the path accordingly. You can create your own Shape to do this:

struct ResizablePath: Shape {
    let path: Path
    let originalSize: CGSize
    func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
        let xScale = rect.width / originalSize.width
        let yScale = rect.height / originalSize.height
        return path.applying(.init(scaleX: xScale, y: yScale).translatedBy(x: rect.minX, y: rect.minY))
let svgURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "foo", withExtension: "svg")!
let paths = SVGBezierPath.pathsFromSVG(at: svgURL)
// get the original size from a UIImage
let size = UIImage(named: "dog")!.size
    .contentShape(ResizablePath(path: Path(paths.first!.cgPath), originalSize: size))
    .onTapGesture {
    .overlay {
        ResizablePath(path: Path(paths.first!.cgPath), originalSize: size).stroke(lineWidth: 1)