Switch between mail servers in Application.cfm

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We use coldfusion 9, and have sending limits with our individual SMTP accounts that our site uses to send email. I want to alternate between two servers depending on what time of day it is.

<cfif timeformat(now(),'HH:mm:ss') GT '12:00:00' >
  <cfset email.username="[email protected]" />
  <cfset email.password="s3cr3t" />
  <cfset email.username="[email protected]" />
  <cfset email.password="s3cr3t2" />

I would like to do this in Application.cfm (we don't use cfc) and not have to modify any cfmail tags...


There are 2 best solutions below


If you want to split the volume of email between each server, I would suggest keeping a value that would tell you which server to use next:

This would go in your appplication file.

        // get this hour
        ThisHour = hour(now());
        ServerOneHours = "1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23";
        if (listFind(ServerOneHours, ThisHour) gt 0) {
          application.email.username = "[email protected]";
          application.email.password = "s3cr3t";
        } else {
          application.email.username = "[email protected]";
          application.email.password = "s3cr6516516513t";

Whenever a cfmail is used, it would use the current settings:

<cfmail username="#application.email.username#" 

If all of your cfmail tags use authentication stored in your cf admin, you can alter the settings in your app at runtime using the ServiceFactory and MailSpooler.

var mss = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory').getMailSpoolService();

You can get the settings back using the get() methods:

var mss = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory').getMailSpoolService();
var host = mss.getServer();
var user = mss.getUsername();
var pass = mss.getPassword();

The getPassword() returns your password encrypted. Each time you set the password, it uses a new salt.

If you want to switch between servers automatically, create a scheduled task that checks your quota and switches when exceeded, or at a predefined interval.