I've tried many ways to switch users to do a restore backup for postgres
using fabric
This is my current code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
from fabric.api import run, env, settings, hosts, execute
from fabric.operations import get
def restore_localdb(dump_file):
with settings(user="postgres"):
run('dropdb potato')
run('createdb -E UTF8 -O potato potato')
run('psql -U potato -h localhost potato -W < %s' % dump_file)
def local_clone():
dump_file = execute(backupdb)
execute(restore_localdb, dump_file)
I cannot understand the prompt for potato
password on dropdb potato
sentence, when It is supposed that the system have been switched to postgres
I've tried with sudo
, but the two sentences inside the switch in restore_localdb
must be executed as postgres
I've tried also with env.user
and nothing. Also with:
sudo('dropdb potato', user='postgres')
with same result.
command is not useful for me because I need to switch between users and I can't do it with local
I only want to emulate these bash commands:
> sudo su - postgres
# I'll write the password for root
> dropdb potato
# The database is finally dropped without any more prompts
Any idea?