Sybase IQ - Pull the last 30 days of data where the most recent date is not today

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Objective: Pull the last 30 days of data from a table that has a variable end date

Background: I have a table that contains purchase information but this table is only updated every two weeks therefore there's a lag in the data. Some day it can be 14 days behind and others 13 or 15 days behind.

My table contains a DATE_KEY column which joins to the DATE_DIM table on this key which is where I pull my date field from. I would use GETDATE or CURRENT_DATE but this is not appropriate in my case due to the lag.

I am using Sybase IQ and I believe I can't use a select statements in the where clause to compare dates, I got the following error:

Feature, scalar value subquery (at line 63) outside of a top level SELECT list, is not supported.

This is what I was trying to do

        TIME.[DAY] >= DATEADD(dd,-30,(  SELECT 
                                        FROM DB.DATE_DIM TIME1 
                                        JOIN DB.PURCHASES PURC 
                                        ON TIME1.KEY = PURC.KEY))

How can I pull the most recent 30 days of data given the constraints above?


There are 1 best solutions below


According to the Sybase IQ documentation, you can use a comparison to a subquery, hence you could add a join to the DATE_DIM to the main FROM clause, and then compare that to a subquery similar to yours, just with the DATEADD moved into it. In the following code, I assume the alias for DATE_DIM in the main FROM clause is TIME0.

     TIME0.[DAY] >= (SELECT  DATEADD(dd,-30, MAX([TIME1].[DAY]))
                     FROM DB.DATE_DIM TIME1 
                     JOIN DB.PURCHASES PURC 
                     ON TIME1.KEY = PURC.KEY