Symbols showing up on urxvt with agnoster

6.7k Views Asked by At

I just started using and customising urxvt and it turns out that my agnoster theme for oh-my-zsh produces symbols/text in place of where the arrows should be. Here are some screenshots:


terminator (another terminal)

Thanks in advance.


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to set a powerline enabled font. For example to set Inconsolata for Powerline as your font, install the font and edit your ~/.Xdefaults file and set

urxvt*font: xft:Terminus:size=12,xft:Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:size=12

This will make urxvt use the Terminus font by default but fall back to Inconsolata for Powerline for characters not in Terminus, such as the arrows, large angle brackets, VCS characters etc.

Check out the powerline documentation for more tips.