Symfony Doctrine Migrations - Use transactions to wrap migrations

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What I want to do : For every migrations executed with php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to be wrapped in a proper transaction (START TRANSACTION / BEGIN / ROLLBACK / ...).

My config/doctrine_migrations.yml file contains the following options :

        # namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations
        # as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded
        'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations'
    enable_profiler: false
    # Run all migrations in a transaction.
    all_or_nothing: true
    # Adds an extra check in the generated migrations to ensure that is executed on the same database type.
    check_database_platform: true
    # Whether to wrap migrations in a single transaction.
    transactional: true

And in any case the isTransactional method from AbstractMigration returns true by default.

Am I missing something here ? Does "transactions" here have another meaning than what's I'm expecting ?

I'm running symfony 6.3.7 with doctine-migrations-bundle 3.2.4 on a 5.7.29 MySQL database


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Well it turns out the transactions are being set as expected but MySQL autocommits when executing a DDL statement (CREATE / ALTER TABLE / ...), so as soon as a DDL statement is run in a migration file, the transaction is commited and the transactionnal mode is turned off and there is no rollback to the previous state.


The transactional configuration value is apparently only used when generating a new migration, as can be seen in the generator, when transactional is set to false, AbstractMigration::isTransactional will be overridden to return false instead.

However as user1717044 correctly notes, MySQL doesn't allow DDL statements (statements that change the schema) in transactions and will auto-commit those instead. This makes the feature largely useless for most people.