TanStack react table v8 style each cell based on the cell value

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We are migrating our tables from v7 to v8. And I'm kinda got a problem with cells conditional styling. So basically what I want to do is, based on a status (which is coming to table data) I need to add a specific className to every cell in a row.

In v7 we used this: https://react-table-v7.tanstack.com/docs/examples/data-driven-classes-and-styles

But in v8 I can't find anything like that....

So far I tried to use meta in column definitions https://tanstack.com/table/v8/docs/api/core/column-def#meta where I can set some values to className property, and use it in my JSX like this:


But problem is anything I can set to meta are static values. For my case I need to set specific className based on my status value. And seems like in meta we can't access any cell props...

const driverFormatter = ({ row }) => {
  const { status } = row.original;

  return <span>{status}</span>;

const columns: ColumnDef<any,any>[] = [
      accessorKey: "customerName",
      header: "Customer"
      accessorKey: "driver",
      header: "Driver",
      enableSorting: false,
      cell: driverFormatter,
      meta: {
          className: "disabled",

So is there are any way of achieving that using v8???

Thank you!


There are 3 best solutions below


Tech Stack: Next.js v13 Javascript Tanstack v8

Hey I was stuck with same but I found an easy but costly fix: I will share my code try it out : Notes: using getValue() function to get value of every cell in table body, and that value is a arg to another function named getRolesCellClassName()

import AdminStyle from "../src/styles/admin.module.css";
import React, { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from "react";
import {
} from "@tanstack/react-table";

const BasicTable = () => {
 const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);
 const fetchUsers = async () => {
  const response = await fetch("http://localhost:9002/user").catch((err) =>
if (response) {
  const usersData = await response.json();
   const transformedUsers = usersData.flatMap(function(us) {
     return us.roles.map(function(role) {
       return { ...us, roles: role };

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

const data = useMemo(() => users, [users]);

 //  =========================Returning dynamic style==========================
 const getRolesCellClassName = (value) => {
  if (value === "admin") {
    return `${AdminStyle.adminRoleBadge} bg-green-500 text-white`;
  } else if (value === "user") {
    return `${AdminStyle.userRole} bg-blue-500 text-white`;
  // Add more conditions for other roles if needed

  return ""; // Default CSS class if no specific condition is met

 // /**@type import('@tanstack/react-table').ColumnDef<any> */
 const columns = [

  header: "Name",
  accessorFn: (row) => `${row.first_name} ${row.last_name}`,
  // Adds classes to this particular column but not to header of that column
  columnClassName: "font-medium text-sm  "
  header: "Email",
  accessorKey: "email",
  // Adds classes to this particular column but not headers
  columnClassName: AdminStyle.emailColumn
  header: "Roles",
  accessorKey: "roles",
  cellClassName: (cell) => getRolesCellClassName(cell.value), // Apply the cell class dynamically

    header: "Actions",
    cell: (row) => {
      return (
        onClick={(row)=>{alert('message' + row.getValue.email)}}
    accessorKey: "actions",

const table = useReactTable({
  getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),

 return (
  <table className="w-full ">
   <thead className={AdminStyle.borderBtm}>
    {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
      <tr key={headerGroup.id} >
        {headerGroup.headers.map((header) => (
            className={`${AdminStyle}  border-btm text-left gap-3 px-6 py-2 `}

    {table.getRowModel().rows.map((row) => (
        className={` ${AdminStyle.borderBtm} w-full table-hea border-btm  box-border items-center`}
        {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell) => (
            className={`${AdminStyle} pl-6  gap-3 py-6 ${cell.column.columnDef.columnClassName} `}
            {/* To get the actual value 
            {console.log(cell.getValue())} */}

            {/* ================================Conditionally add 
styles=============================== */}
            <span className={`${getRolesCellClassName(cell.getValue())}`}>
            {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}

export default BasicTable;

I also encountered the same problem and as you mentioned there is separate example in V7 .

and for v8 there is not enough documentation or correct example

Here is link to my implementation where I was able to add different column color in v8. Hope this helps. If you any further doubt let me know


First Method - Through column definition meta key:

We can get the detailed context of each cell in V8 through meta, like

    accessorKey: 'section',
    cell: (info) => info.getValue(),
    footer: (props) => props.column.id,
    meta: {
        getCellContext: (context: CellContext<Person, unknown>) => {
            if (context.row.index === 0) {
                // console.log(context)
                return {
                    style: { fontWeight: 'bold', minWidth: '30%', textTransform: 'uppercase' },
                    className: 'bold',

To get dynamic context like this, we need to include additional props to ColumnMeta.

declare module '@tanstack/react-table' {
    interface ColumnMeta<TData, TValue> {
        // Your additional properties here
        getCellContext: (context: CellContext<TData, TValue>) => TableCellProps | void

Then we can use this func inside the loop

        .rows.slice(0, 20)
        .map((row) => {
            return (
                <TableRow key={row.id} {...getRowProps(row)}>
                    {(isSplit ? row.getCenterVisibleCells() : row.getVisibleCells()).map((cell) => {
                        let hasMeta = cell.getContext().cell.column.columnDef.meta

                        return (
                                {...(hasMeta && { ...hasMeta.getCellContext(cell.getContext()) })}
                                {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}

By this, you can add styles, className,, etc. To each *** TABLE CELL*** based on the value.

But you can't style the TABLE ROW with the above method. For that

Second Method - Through callback function:

Define two functions for rows and cells

// Func to provide props to table row
const getRowProps = (context: Row<Person>): TableRowProps | void => {
    if (context.original.section.includes('section')) {
        return { className: 'sectionHeader', sx: (theme) => ({ background: theme.palette.primary.light }) }

// Func to provide props to table cell
const getCellProps = (context: CellContext<Person, unknown>): TableCellProps | void => {
    if (context.row.index === 0) {
        // console.log(context)
        return {
            style: { fontWeight: 'bold', minWidth: '30%', textTransform: 'uppercase' },
            className: 'bold',

And just destructure the functions

        .rows.slice(0, 20)
        .map((row) => {
            return (
                <TableRow key={row.id} {...getRowProps(row)}>  //<- here
                    {row.getLeftVisibleCells().map((cell) => {

                        return (
                                {...getCellProps(cell.getContext())} // <-here
                                {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}