Targeting every nth index from x to y in Twig

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I'm having a problem with the loop.index in a for loop for a complex grid (marked up as a simple single level HTML list). I have a loop_index variable in a twig partial for a grid "cell" (a <li>) which is equal to loop.index.

Initially I had this simple specific numbers based check for the first items in the loop.

{% set class = 'green' %}
{% if (loop_index > 1 and loop_index < 5) or (loop_index > 7 and loop_index < 12) %}
   {% set class = 'orange' %}
{% endif %}

But now it should be extended to include possibly unlimited number of items in the loop. Therefore not only items 2-4 and 8-11 would become orange, but also 15-18 etc.

Basically I need to cycle through 2 classes (orange, green) in this way:

  • 2-4 - orange
  • (repeating pattern begins from here:)
  • 5-7 - green (batch of 3)
  • 8-11 - orange (batch of 4)
  • 12-14 - green (batch of 3)
  • 15-18 - orange (batch of 4)
  • 19-21 - green (batch of 3)
  • 22-25 - orange (batch of 4)
  • ...

I tried to employ batch and cycle for that, but they seem to be inappropriate for this. batch doesn't seem to work with "unlimited" loops and cycle seems not ok for a repeated pattern with batches of same items (as opposed to looping through ungrouped single items). divisible by also didn't work for me as needed in this case.

How can I change the classes depending on the value of loop.index? I can't work with the for loop or outside of it here — all the work needs to be done inside the grid "cell" partial.


There are 1 best solutions below


You can check the rest of the division. Here a working solutions:

{% for i in 1..30 %}
 {% set class = 'green' %}
 {% set loop_index = loop.index %}
 {% if (loop_index %7 >= 1 and loop_index %7 < 5) %}
   {% set class = 'orange' %}
 {% endif %}
    * {{ i }} {{class}}
{% endfor %}

This will output as:

* 5 green
* 6 green
* 7 green
    * 8 orange
    * 9 orange
    * 10 orange
    * 11 orange
* 12 green
* 13 green
* 14 green
    * 15 orange
    * 16 orange
    * 17 orange
    * 18 orange
* 19 green
* 20 green
* 21 green
    * 22 orange
    * 23 orange
    * 24 orange
    * 25 orange
* 26 green
* 27 green

You can check the output in this working twigfiddle