Task logging (apparently) not working in Comma IDE using Log::Timeline

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After I got to see the actual timeline, now it's time to try and run tasks and log them. I'm using again a default configuration for a task logger, and calling it with:

my $promise = start react whenever $channel-one -> @crew {
            Algorithm::Evolutionary::LogTimelineSchema::Evolutionary.log: {

That is, the logging schema is called whenever a particular thread activates itself. Tasks are defined in Algorithm::Evolutionary::LogTimelineSchema this way:

class Evolutionary does Log::Timeline::Task['ConcurrentEA', 'Concurrent',
        'Evolutionary'] { }

class Mixer does Log::Timeline::Task['ConcurrentEA', 'Concurrent',
        'Mixer'] { }

However, I don't see the task logging appearing anywhere in the timeline. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Update: Adds code for the task loggers


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