Template class static string member not initialized correctly

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I am trying to create a simple wrapper around glib2.0's GVariant.

I imagined to have a templated class that would be used to derive a format string of GVariant's type:

template <typename T>
struct Object
    static const std::string format_string;

For now I have hard-coded basic integral types and string and determined the way to derive arrays and dictionaries as follows:

// Integral types
template <>
const std::string Object<uint8_t>::format_string{"y"};

// String
template <>
const std::string Object<std::string>::format_string{"s"};

// Array
template <typename T>
struct Object<std::vector<T>>
    static const std::string format_string;
template <typename T>
const std::string Object<std::vector<T>>::format_string{
  "a" + Object<T>::format_string};

// Dictionary
template <typename K, typename V>
struct Object<std::map<K, V>>
    static const std::string format_string;
template <typename K, typename V>
const std::string Object<std::map<K, V>>::format_string{
  "{" + Object<K>::format_string + Object<V>::format_string + "}"};

For tuple i use the following string deduction method:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::string derive_string()
    if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts)) {
        return Object<T>::format_string + derive_string<Ts...>();
    } else {
        return Object<T>::format_string;

// Tuple
template <typename... Ts>
struct Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>
    static const std::string format_string;

template <typename... Ts>
const std::string Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>::format_string{
  "(" + derive_string<Ts...>() + ")"};

However, when I try to debug-print the format_string member of each Object class

using IntArray = std::vector<int>;
using IntStrMap = std::map<int, std::string>;
using Int_Double_Bool = std::tuple<int, double, bool>;
using Int_IntStrMap_Bool = std::tuple<int, IntStrMap, bool>;
using Int_IntDoubleMap = std::tuple<int, std::map<int, double>>;

std::cout << "bool type:\n  " << Object<bool>::format_string
          << "\nuint8_t type:\n  " << Object<uint8_t>::format_string
          << "\nint16_t type:\n  " << Object<int16_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint16_t type:\n  " << Object<uint16_t>::format_string
          << "\nint32_t type:\n  " << Object<int32_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint32_t type:\n  " << Object<uint32_t>::format_string
          << "\nint64_t type:\n  " << Object<int64_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint64_t type:\n  " << Object<uint64_t>::format_string
          << "\ndouble type:\n  " << Object<double>::format_string
          << "\nstring type:\n  " << Object<std::string>::format_string
          << "\n[int] type\n  " << Object<IntArray>::format_string
          << "\n{int: str} type\n  " << Object<IntStrMap>::format_string
          << "\n(int, double, bool) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_Double_Bool>::format_string
          << "\n(int, {int: str}, bool) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_IntStrMap_Bool>::format_string
          << "\n(int, {int: double}) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_IntDoubleMap>::format_string;
          << std::endl;

I get the following:

bool type:
uint8_t type:
int16_t type:
uint16_t type:
int32_t type:
uint32_t type:
int64_t type:
uint64_t type:
double type:
string type:
[int] type
{int: str} type
(int, double, bool) type
(int, {int: str}, bool) type
(int, {int: double}) type

As it is seen from the last two object printouts, the tuple that includes types that were used somewhere else ({int: str}) is derived correctly, while the one that does not ({int: double}), are not.

What am I doing wrong here?


There are 2 best solutions below


With C++17, you might simply do:

template <typename... Ts>
const std::string Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>::format_string{
  "(" + (Object<Ts>::format_string + ... + "") + ")"};

which solves the issue with gcc Demo

But problems still exists for clang (even for std::vector<int>).

I suspect Static Initialization Order Fiasco.

Using functions instead of previous/cached results works for both compilers:

std::string make_string(std::type_identity<bool>) { return "b"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint8_t>) { return "y"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint16_t>) { return "n"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int16_t>) { return "q"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int32_t>) { return "i"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint32_t>) { return "u"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int64_t>) { return "x"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint64_t>) { return "t"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<double>) { return "d"; }
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::string>) { return "s"; }

template <typename T>
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::vector<T>>)
    return "a" + make_string(std::type_identity<T>{});

template <typename K, typename V>
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::map<K, V>>)
    return  "{" + make_string(std::type_identity<K>{})
                + make_string(std::type_identity<V>{}) + "}";

template <typename... Ts>
std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::tuple<Ts...>>)
    return  "(" + (make_string(std::type_identity<Ts>{}) + ... + "") + ")";

template <typename T>
struct Object
    static const std::string format_string;

template <typename T>
const std::string Object<T>::format_string = make_string(std::type_identity<T>{});



It is because you didn't define the order of initializing format_string variables properly. The following example shows the principle.

extern string a;
string b1 = a + "b";
string a = "a";
string b2 = a + "b";

int main()
    // At this point, b2 will be "ab", but b1 will be "b".

In your problem, it's hard to define the order because there are many possible combinations of types. So use static methods instead of static member variables for such problems.