Temporal Variogram

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I would like to build a temporal variogram, without specifying spatial coordinates as I have only one gauge that I'm studing temporally. Here is a sample of my data:

> head(test)
        POSTE       DATE  RR6
4485 63113001 1358609040  0.0
4486 63113001 1358609400  0.2
4487 63113001 1358609760  0.0
4488 63113001 1358610120  0.0
4489 63113001 1358610480  0.0
4490 63113001 1358610840  0.0

the date is in POSIXct form, I have a measure RR6 (variable of interest) every 360 seconds or 6 minutes. How can I do that ? Thank you !


There are 1 best solutions below


One possible is to create a "spatial coordinates" equivalent to your dates. Set latitude to any constant value, then do a linear transform of your time to longitude. For that you have to set an arbitrary delta of time to a delta of longitude, for example a delta of time of 60 seconds to 0.001° longitude. Then you have your data with "spatial coordinates" equivalent to your time. Width that data you can compute a variogram as normal in gstat.