Tensorflow Quantum Data Reuploading - Efficient SU2 Encoder circuit

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The task is to classify the input vector of dim (12,) into three categories using a quantum neural network. I am following the data Re-uploading scheme to do the task which resembles to with a TensorFlow Data re-uploading tutorial, Parametrized Quantum Circuits for Reinforcement Learning. Since we have to different circuits, model and encoder circuit which is shown below. enter image description here The trainable parameters are suffixed with T and input parameters(fixed) are prefixed with I. So, I know the input to the model input shape should be of size (12, ). But since my circuit is of 3-qubit , I need to make changes in to the call function to make it work, particularly in tf.einsum(probably). Below code shows implements reuploading pqc layer.

class ReUploadingPQC(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    Performs the transformation (s_1, ..., s_d) -> (theta_1, ..., theta_N, lmbd[1][1]s_1, ..., lmbd[1][M]s_1,
        ......., lmbd[d][1]s_d, ..., lmbd[d][M]s_d) for d=input_dim, N=theta_dim and M=n_layers.
    An activation function from tf.keras.activations, specified by `activation` ('linear' by default) is
        then applied to all lmbd[i][j]s_i.
    All angles are finally permuted to follow the alphabetical order of their symbol names, as processed
        by the ControlledPQC.   
 def __init__(self, qubits, n_layers, observables, activation="linear", name="re-uploading_PQC"):
        super(ReUploadingPQC, self).__init__(name=name)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        self.n_qubits = len(qubits)
        self.observables = observables

        circuit, theta_symbols, input_symbols = generate_circuit(qubits, n_layers)
        self.circuit = circuit

        theta_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=0.0, maxval=np.pi)
        self.theta = tf.Variable(
            initial_value=theta_init(shape=(1, len(theta_symbols)), dtype="float32"),
            trainable=True, name="thetas"

        lmbd_init = tf.ones(shape=(self.n_qubits * self.n_layers,))
        self.lmbd = tf.Variable(
            initial_value=lmbd_init, dtype="float32", trainable=True, name="lambdas"

        # Define explicit symbol order.
        symbols = [str(symb) for symb in theta_symbols + input_symbols]
        self.indices = tf.constant([symbols.index(a) for a in sorted(symbols)])

        self.activation = activation
        self.empty_circuit = tfq.convert_to_tensor([cirq.Circuit()])
        self.computation_layer = tfq.layers.ControlledPQC(self.circuit, self.observables)        

    def call(self, inputs):
        # inputs[0] = encoding data for the state.
        batch_dim = tf.gather(tf.shape(inputs[0]), 0)
        tiled_up_circuits = tf.repeat(self.empty_circuit, repeats=batch_dim)
        tiled_up_thetas = tf.tile(self.theta, multiples=[batch_dim, 1])
        tiled_up_inputs = tf.tile(inputs[0], multiples=[1, self.n_layers])
        scaled_inputs = tf.einsum("i,ji->ji", self.lmbd, tiled_up_inputs)
        squashed_inputs = tf.keras.layers.Activation(self.activation)(scaled_inputs)

        joined_vars = tf.concat([tiled_up_thetas, squashed_inputs], axis=1)
        joined_vars = tf.gather(joined_vars, self.indices, axis=1)

        return self.computation_layer([tiled_up_circuits, joined_vars])

The function generate_cicuit() is used to get the model show above which is also called when building the model.

def generate_circuit(qubits, n_layers=1):
    n_qubits = len(qubits)

    params = sympy.symbols(f'T:{n_layers*12}')
    params = np.asarray(params).reshape((n_layers, 4, n_qubits))

    inputs = sympy.symbols(f'I:{n_layers*12}')
    inputs = np.asarray(inputs).reshape((n_layers, 12))

    ckt = cirq.Circuit()
    for l in range(n_layers):
        ckt.append(single_rot_ry(params[l, 0, :], qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)
        ckt.append(single_rot_rz(params[l, 1, :], qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)

        ckt.append(do_entangle_cnot(qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)
        ckt.append(get_ckt(inputs[l, :], qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)
        ckt.append(single_rot_ry(params[l, 2, :], qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)
        ckt.append(single_rot_rz(params[l, 3, :], qubits), strategy=InsertStrategy.INLINE)


    return ckt, list(params.flat), list(inputs.flat)

The when I try to create model using this class with the code below, I get error.

def generate_model_policy(qubits, n_layers, n_actions, beta, observables):
  """Generates a Keras model for a data re-uploading PQC policy."""

  input_tensor = tf.keras.Input(shape=(12, ), dtype=tf.dtypes.float32, name='input')
  re_uploading_pqc = ReUploadingPQC(qubits, n_layers, observables)([input_tensor])
  process = tf.keras.Sequential([
      tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x * beta),
      tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation="softmax"),
  ], name="observables-policy")
  policy = process(re_uploading_pqc)
  model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[input_tensor], outputs=policy)

  return model

qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1, 3)
n_layers = 1
n_actions = 3
observables = [cirq.Z(q) for q in qubits]
model = generate_model_policy(qubits, n_layers, n_actions, 1.0, observables)

The error is

Exception encountered when calling layer "re-uploading_PQC" (type ReUploadingPQC).

in user code:

File "/tmp/ipykernel_1109761/1735579080.py", line 45, in call  *
    scaled_inputs = tf.einsum("i,ji->ji", self.lmbd, tiled_up_inputs)

ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 3 and 12 for '{{node re-uploading_PQC/einsum/Einsum}} = Einsum[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT, equation="i,ji->ji"](re-uploading_PQC/einsum/Einsum/ReadVariableOp, re-uploading_PQC/Tile_1)' with input shapes: [3], [?,12].

Call arguments received:
• inputs=['tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 12), dtype=float32)'

So, I need to make changes in the call function but I am not able understand what to change.


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