Terraform unable to update Lambda with ECR image on new Image Publish

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Current Setup : I have created a GITLAB CI Pipeline to build a JAR and use the JAR in a docker Image Build and publishing the same to an AWS ECR Repository

Points to Note :

  1. The image when it gets published is getting tagged using two tags one is the latest commit id that triggered the build and one is a custom tag called Latest.

The IaC being used is Terraform to deploy a Lambda Function that uses source file as ECR Repository URI.

image_uri = ECR Repo UrL:latest

On subsequent builds when new image is built the latest tag gets taken out from the old image and gets attached to the new image.

When i am trying to run Terraform Plan its unable to detect change in the Image even when the SHA value of the new image with latest tag has changed.

data "aws_ecr_repository" "service" {
  name = "ecr-repository"

resource "aws_lambda_function" "test_lambda" {
  image_uri = “${data.aws_ecr_repository.service.repository_url}:latest”
  function_name = "lambda_function_name"
  role          = aws_iam_role.iam_for_lambda.arn
  handler       = "index.test"
  runtime = "nodejs16.x"

  environment {
    variables = {
      foo = "bar"

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