Tesseract text2image segmentation fault: 11

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In El capitan When i am apply text2image in tesseract training, the text2image give segmentation fault: 11 error.

I am applying this command: text2image --text=training_text.txt --outputbase=eng.TimesNewRomanBold.exp0 --font='Times New Roman Bold' --fonts_dir=/Library/Fonts


There are 1 best solutions below


For your specific error you can have a look here here. There is a version of tesseract that you can install through brew that fix this specific problem with text2image

As you can find on the link le command to run is

brew install tesser --training-tools [--with-all-languages]

However let me know if after that you'll get any other problem in your traning process because even if I sorted out "segmentation fail" I'm unable to complete successfully the training due another error that I'm not able to fix cuz very spare information around. The error I get is about GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 'PangoCairoCoreTextFont' to 'PangoFcFont'

I've also tried to compile different source of tessercat but the above error still came out and (like you atm) I'm unable to start with the training process.