Test passing.But Test List is Failing

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Some of my Scripts are very finely working when running as test.But When I run the test in test list.it's failing why am not understanding.please give assistance. Test log:

Overall Result: Pass

  • Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.18052' for test execution. Build version is '2013.1.709.0'.

    • Starting execution....
    • Detected a Silverlight Test. Setting EnableSilverlight=True
      • Detected custom code in test. Locating test assembly: TestProject(BA).dll.

    '08/09/2013 PM 06:04:53' - Assembly Found:


'08/09/2013 PM 06:04:53' - Using 'InternetExplorer' version '10.0' as default browser.

  • 'Pass' : 1. Navigate to :

'Pass' : 2. radmaskedtextbox: click with '5' offset action.

'Pass' : 3. radmaskedtextbox: type 'abc' text action.

'Pass' : 4. LeftClick on Item1Textboxview

'Pass' : 5. Type 'abc@#' into PasswordPasswordbox '08/09/2013 PM 06:05:07' -

'Pass' : 6. Click RadBtnSignInRadbutton

'Pass' : 7. [Converting_Quote_CodedStep1] : LeftClick on CustomersTextblock, RequiresSilverlight=True

'Pass' : 8. Verify QuoteTextblock's Left side Equal 19

'Pass' : 9. [Converting_Quote_CodedStep3] : LeftClick on QuoteTextblock, RequiresSilverlight=True

'Pass' : 10. LeftClick on PARTContentPresenterContentpresenter '08/09/2013 PM 06:05:29' -

'Pass' : 11. [Converting_Quote_CodedStep] : LeftClick on DropDownPartRadtogglebutton, RequiresSilverlight=True

'Pass' : 12. [Converting_Quote_to_Invoice_CodedStep] : radmenuitem: 'To Invoice' click action., RequiresSilverlight=True

'Pass' : 13. Click BtnPrintRadribbonbutton

'Pass' : 14. radwindow: 'Close' action.

'Pass' : 15. Click SaveCloseRadribbonbutton

'Pass' : 16. [Converting_Quote_CodedStep2] : LeftClick on InvoiceTextblock, RequiresSilverlight=True '08/09/2013 PM 06:05:41' -

'Pass' : 17. LeftClick on BlueBicycleTextblock '08/09/2013 PM 06:05:45' -

'Pass' : 18. Click BtnCloseRadribbonbutton

Am attaching Error msg

Failure Information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exception thrown executing coded step: '[Add_New_Quote_CodedStep3] : LeftClick on PARTFooterCellBorderBorder, RequiresSilverlight=True'.InnerException:

ArtOfTest.Common.Exceptions.FindElementException: Element Not found!
FindExpression used: 

[automationid 'Exact' dtgProductAndServiceInvoice] AND [XamlTag 'Exact' radgridview]
[XamlPath 'Exact'     /border[name=PART_MasterGridContainer]/
gridviewscrollviewer     [automationid=PART_ItemsScrollViewer]/
datacellspresenter [name=PART_DataCellsPresenter]/ grid[0]/

 at ArtOfTest.Common.WaitSync.CheckResult(WaitSync wait,StringextraExceptionInfo,Object target)     

at ArtOfTest.Common.WaitSync.For[T](Predicate`1 predicate, T target, Boolean invertCondition, Int32 timeout, WaitResultType errorResultType)

 at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight.VisualWait.ForExistsInternal
(Int32 timeout, Boolean invertCondition)

at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight.VisualWait.ForVisible(Int32 timeout)

at ArtOfTest.WebAii.TestTemplates.XamlElementContainer.Get(XamlFindExpression expr, Boolean waitOnElement, Int32 timeout)

at ArtOfTest.WebAii.TestTemplates.XamlElementContainer.Get(XamlFindExpression expr) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.TestTemplates.XamlElementContainer.Get[TControl](XamlFindExpression expr) at ArtOfTest.WebAii.TestTemplates.XamlElementContainer.Get[TControl](String[] clauses) at TestProject_BA_.Pages.BPage.SilverlightAppElement.get_PARTFooterCellBorderBorder() in d:\pranavi\TestProject(BA06)\Pages.g.cs:line 1808

at TestProject_BA_.Add_New_Quote.Add_New_Quote_CodedStep3() in d:\pranavi\TestProject(BA06)\4#Invoice\Add New Quote.tstest.cs:line

please see the attachments.


There are 1 best solutions below


If you are testing a web application, as you know telerik tests the UI components based on the baseURL. There are 2 different locations for settings when you are running as a test(vs running as a testList). Cross verify the baseURL in both the settings section(if they are the same). As I can see the error is Element Not found. Which might be coz, the associated baseURL for that element is different.