The signature for this packaged module couldn't be inferred in recursive function

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I'm still trying to figure out how to split code when using mirage and it's myriad of first class modules. I've put everything I need in a big ugly Context module, to avoid having to pass ten modules to all my functions, one is pain enough.

I have a function to receive commands over tcp :

let recvCmds (type a) (module Ctx : Context with type chan = a) nodeid chan = ...

After hours of trial and errors, I figured out that I needed to add (type a) and the "explicit" type chan = a to make it work. Looks ugly, but it compiles. But if I want to make that function recursive :

let rec recvCmds (type a) (module Ctx : Context with type chan = a) nodeid chan =
  Ctx.readMsg chan >>= fun res ->
  ... more stuff ...
  |> OtherModule.getStorageForId (module Ctx)
  ... more stuff ...
  recvCmds (module Ctx) nodeid chan

I pass the module twice, the first time no problem but I get an error on the recursion line :

The signature for this packaged module couldn't be inferred.

and if I try to specify the signature I get

This expression has type a but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type constructor a would escape its scope

And it seems like I can't use the whole (type chan = a) thing. If someone could explain what is going on, and ideally a way to work around it, it'd be great. I could just use a while of course, but I'd rather finally understand these damn modules. Thanks !


There are 1 best solutions below


The pratical answer is that recursive functions should universally quantify their locally abstract types with let rec f: type a. .... = fun ... .

More precisely, your example can be simplified to

module type T = sig type t end 
let rec f (type a) (m: (module T with type t = a)) = f m

which yield the same error as yours:

Error: This expression has type (module T with type t = a) but an expression was expected of type 'a The type constructor a would escape its scope

This error can be fixed with an explicit forall quantification: this can be done with the short-hand notation (for universally quantified locally abstract type):

let rec f: type a.  (module T with type t = a) -> 'never = fun m -> f m

The reason behind this behavior is that locally abstract type should not escape the scope of the function that introduced them. For instance, this code

let ext_store = ref None
let store x = ext_store := Some x
let f (type a) (x:a) = store x

should visibly fail because it tries to store a value of type a, which is a non-sensical type outside of the body of f.

By consequence, values with a locally abstract type can only be used by polymorphic function. For instance, this example

  let id x = x
  let f (x:a) : a = id x

is fine because id x works for any x.

The problem with a function like

 let rec f (type a) (m: (module T with type t = a)) = f m

is then that the type of f is not yet generalized inside its body, because type generalization in ML happens at let definition. The fix is therefore to explicitly tell to the compiler that f is polymorphic in its argument:

 let rec f: 'a. (module T with type t = 'a) -> 'never =
   fun (type a) (m:(module T with type t = a)) -> f m

Here, 'a. ... is an universal quantification that should read forall 'a. .... This first line tells to the compiler that the function f is polymorphic in its first argument, whereas the second line explicitly introduces the locally abstract type a to refine the packed module type. Splitting these two declarations is quite verbose, thus the shorthand notation combines both:

let rec f: type a.  (module T with type t = a) -> 'never = fun m -> f m