Thick circle detection

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I have an RGB image.Suppose say I have two circles in it.I want to know which one is filled and which one is not.I followed the following steps: -imported the image as Bitmap


-converted into grayscale and used CannyEdgeDetector filter to find the edges. I get the following image


circle containing the letter "D" gives two edges, where as I need only one circle edge. Secondly, how do I find out which circle is filled and which one is not.


There are 3 best solutions below


I would not know any "formal" algorithm matching your criteria. I would also doubt that you would find any.

When you say the circles are "darkened", this can be interpreted as this: "Many pixels (above a population threshold) would be black, or at least dark (above a colour threshold).". Based on known circle and radius, I would follow this approach (written in pseudocode but I suppose you get the meaning):

//define thresholds

centerPoint = getCircleCenter();
radius = getCircleRadius();
darkPixelsCount = 0;

   for(y=centerPoint.Y-sqrt(abs(radius^2-(x - centerPoint.X)^2));centerPoint.Y+sqrt(abs(radius^2-(x - centerPoint.X)^2));y++){

      if (image(x, y) >  colourThreshold){

         if(darkPixelsCounter > populationThreshold){
             //If you reach this point, circle has been darkened


//If you reach this point, circle has not been darkened

I don't know if it is efficient, or if there is a more elegant way to do it. I suppose you could play with performance and accuracy by moderating the thresholds.

Hope I helped!


For the MCQ answers sheet, it might be easier to go by positions of the circles.

Just compare stock images of the clear, circled A, B, C and D's to the scanned images and see which differ the most. A simple darkness summation might be enough.

Also: Comparing the circles against each other might be useful too to compensate for a bad/dark/light scan or smudgy paper.

For special cases if the test isn't absolutely sure I'd probably pass it to a human being for further investigation. E.g., when you allow students to undo an answer by circling their second guess or when a student decides to make a real mess by using a bad eraser.

Final tip: make sure you do not accept answers that have the correct circle filled; make sure the other circles are clear at the same time so students can't cheat by filling all circles. (Some professors use a paper mask that overlays all bad answers so they can quickly spot unmarked correct answers. But if the student just marks all answers this fails big time.)


Perform blob detection, with a pixel count

or even simpler count the black pixels

or even simpler and faster, take middle line and count how often it switches from white to black