This file should not be included anywhere. Usually, this means you've imported the Piral instance directly

81 Views Asked by At

I have an Angular application as a Pilet for my Piral application. I'm trying to access a config value passed from Piral application via PageComponentProperties. As described in this page,, I'm trying to access the page Component Properties ("PageComponentProps") as follows within AppModule.

export class AppModule {
 @Input('Props') public props: PageComponentProps<any>;


And I'm registering the angular component as follows,

app.registerPage(/test-location, app.fromNg(AppModule));

I'm getting the following error, any idea? link to error image


There are 1 best solutions below


Make sure that in the pilet's package.json you have the following structure:

"devDependencies": {
  "app-shell": "0.0.0" -> your version for your app-shell
"peerDependencies": {
  "app-shell": "*"