timeseries count of Grafana Loki logs grouped by error type

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I want a view similar to this: Timeseries data with count

with a different colour/line for each error type

I tried 2 approaches and failed

1st Approach - transformers

  1. I first query all by requests and present the verb

    {job="myJob", filename="/server.log"} |= `exception_type` | json | line_format 
  2. Then I use a Format Time transformer, where I set the formatting to YYYYMMDD-HH

  3. Then I use the Group By transformer, where I group by my now grouped by hour Time as well as line which contains the exception_type

    • I also add a calculate on the "Id" column and select count
    • lastly I add a calculate on the "Time" to get the first value

At this point I have a few of the columns I need, but no way for the Timeseries ingest this format.

2nd Approach - multiple count_over_time stacks

I could technically stack a bunch of these (one for each error type), but that seems less than ideal; both because I don't have a comprehensive list of error types, and because the maintenance surface area is larger than I'd like

sum(count_over_time({job="myjob", filename="server.log"} | json | exception_type =~ "Could not create folder" [$__interval]))

The image I provided works because it's hitting an SQL DB (Postgres) which has a group by and a query that looks like this:

postgres query


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