TinyMCE: how to center an image?

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In TinyMCE, I may insert an image and center it. And the code generated is as follows:

<p><img height="684" src="/static/media/uploads/about.jpg" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;" width="938" /></p>

However, when I save the textarea, the display: block; style is removed.

I also tried the followings, but all in vain:

  1. Set <p>:

    <p style="text-align: center;"><img ... ></p>

    The style of <p> is removed when I save the content of the textarea.

  2. In tinymce.init, set:

    verify_html: false
  3. Set valid_children: "+body[style]" in tiymce.init and add the following in textarea:

    p img {
      display: block;
  4. Set the following in tinymce.init:

    valid_styles: {
        "img": "display"

So, how do I center an image in TinyMCE anyway?


There are 2 best solutions below


I came up with a work-around solution:

Modify tinymce.init:

(a) Add Formats: add the class center and necessary styles to every centered block element including img.

formats: {
    aligncenter: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'center',
                  styles: {display: 'block', margin: '0px auto', textAlign: 'center'}},

(b) Add JavaScript to display centered elements correctly in the editing window: replace previously added margin: 0px auto; with margin: 0px auto; display:block; text-align: center;:

var value = $('textarea').val();
value = value.replace('margin: 0px auto;', 'margin: 0px auto; display:block; text-align: center;');

And then add the following in our own CSS file to display centered element correctly in the HTML page:

.center {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;

The above solution took me hours to figure it out, all because TinyMCE wouldn't want to save the style display: block; created by its own!


Edit CSS

If you are able to insert css to your page, you could simply set the images property to display: block:

p img {
    display: block;

Edit TinyMCE

If you are not able to excess the css files , you can maybe somehow edit the TinyMCE editor, so that you are able to use its build in text-align: center button, which should do the same, as your code does?

You can set the toolbar of your TinyMCE like so:

    plugins: 'link,code,preview,autolink',             
    height: 350,
    width: 750,
    toolbar: "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist | link image | preview code"

Within toolbar: you can choose which buttons you want to add. Using aligncenter you can create a button, which you can use to align your image to the center.