Titanium app gives error about Swift flags when trying to run the project

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I have a Titanium app for iOS. So far It was working ok, but suddenly it started giving me this errors:

[ERROR] warning: conditional compilation flags do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent (rather than 'DEPLOYTYPE=development') [ERROR] warning: conditional compilation flags do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent (rather than 'LOG__ID=e06779ed-4e79-4f3a-84d0-ab3d79067099') [ERROR] warning: conditional compilation flags do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent (rather than 'DEBUG=1') [ERROR] warning: conditional compilation flags do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent (rather than 'DISABLE_TI_LOG_SERVER=1') [ERROR] warning: conditional compilation flags do not have values in Swift; they are either present or absent (rather than 'TI_VERSION=12.1.2') [ERROR] ** BUILD FAILED ** [ERROR] The following build commands failed: [ERROR] Ld /Users/myuser/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/myProject/build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/myProject.app/myProject normal (in target 'myProject' from project 'myProject') [ERROR] (1 failure) Process exited with 1

I have searched in my projects build folder in the .xcodeproj file for these flags and have found them. I have tried to edit them, but every time I try to run my project the file gets recompiled and the flags ar back again.

How can I solve that problem?



There are 1 best solutions below


Please build your app with -l trace and search for errors generated in those logs. The real error is above that block.

Did you update Xcode to 14.3?

In case you use iOS modules make sure they are up to date.