Tomcat Class Reloading & Hybris

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In a Hybris developement environement, we are looking for reducing the Hybris server (Tomcat) restarts after each classes modification,

Beside the known tools available (JRebel, HotswapAgent,...), we are trying to use the tomcat server's default class/webapp reloading mechanism : reloadable="true"

It's working like a charm when making some changes on classes under the extention webroot folder,

But it's not the case when the changes are made under the [Extention]/classes folder.

So the question is :

Is it possible to make hybris server (tomcat) aware of changes on [Extention]/classes folder, and reload the corresponding webapp ? knowing that hybris has its own ClassLoading mechanism !

Environment :
Hybris 5.4
Tomcat 7.0
JDK 1.8

Best regards

--------EDIT 1-------

The build tool :

We are using only the ant commands to build/clean... the project, The IDEs (eclipse, intelliJ...) are only used for editing the source code.

The folder hierarchy :


Tryed solutions (that didn't work)

Add the [ExtentionFolder]/classes folder as watched ressource in tomcat :

  • First option :

Add it as a WatchedResource in the webapp context :

<Context reloadable="true" path="[ExtentionName]" docBase="[ExtentionFolder]/web/webroot">
  <Manager pathname="" />
  <Loader platformHome="[PlatformFolder]" className="de.hybris.tomcat.HybrisWebappLoader" deployName="default" />

==> It's not working

  • Second option :

Add it as an ExtraResource in the webapp context :

<Context reloadable="true" path="[ExtentionName]" docBase="[ExtentionFolder]/web/webroot">
  <Manager pathname="" />
  <Loader platformHome="[PlatformFolder]" className="de.hybris.tomcat.HybrisWebappLoader" deployName="default" />
  <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext" extraResourcePaths="/WEB-INF/classes=[ExtentionFolder]/classes"/>

==> I get a weird error, like it was a double loading of the same class (the first loading was done by the PlatformInPlaceClassLoader of Hybris, and the second loading by tomcat)

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: 
Bean named 'myBean' must be of type [x.y.z.DefaultMyBean], but was actually of type [x.y.z.DefaultMyBean]

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