Tool that can edit a Jekyll site online, similar to CMS

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Can somebody suggest an online method of editing a self hosted jekyll site, similar to Prose.

What I would like then is the ability to add posts and edit content like a regular CMS. I am not interested in using GitPages.


There are 1 best solutions below


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Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.

A question like this should be asked at Jekyll Talk, where the rules are less strict and moderators are easier on beginners. However, since you are a beginner at Stack Overflow and you probably mean well, I want to help you. I tried to answer your question as honest as I can below...

Answering your question

I have a lot of experience in building Jekyll websites with CMS systems. In my opinion (warning: opinion follows) there are two really good systems: and

CloudCannon has a very fancy WYSIWYG editor, which most of my clients really love. Forestry does not have this, but has a little more functionality in their free tier. I really love CloudCannon, but I have to admit that is also very good.

Ofcourse other CMS systems exist, like Netlify CMS. Please do Google for them. You will defenitely find a whole bunch, but they will probably not be as polished, easy to use and/or affordable as these two.

Note that I am not affiliated with any of these systems (although I am featured as a Jekyll dev somewhere on the CloudCannon website).

Hope this helps you. If you have any other (on-topic) questions about Jekyll, the Stack Overflow community is more than happy to help. Happy coding!