Transform price with currency to single number if no numbers after comma

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I have a price, let's say $price = 9,00 €. If price have 2 zeroes after comma is there easy way to transform it to 9 € ? I mean is there a function for that or something. If that is not possible with character, how to do that only with integers 9,00 > 9, but 9,20 would stay 9,20.

I know it could be done with substr or some other ways, but I'd like to know if PHP have function for this situation.


There are 1 best solutions below


You have to use NumberFormatter.

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de-DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);

parse it to float

$value = $formatter->parseCurrency('9,00 €', 'EUR');

check if is int or float

$digits = floor($value) == $value ? 0 : 2;


$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, $digits);
echo $formatter->formatCurrency($value, 'EUR');