Transformation of web.config

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I work on a big entity framework web application with a lot of EDMX (actually 10, later, more than 30). Each EDMX has his own connection string. When I deploy, my app, I want to change these connection strings. I can replace them with


But that I need is to replace only a part of the attribut "connectionString".

If my connection string is :

      <add name="DemosEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Demos.csdl|res://*/Demos.ssdl|res://*/Demos.msl;provider=Devart.Data.Oracle;provider connection string=&quot;User Id=user;Password=password;Home=OraClient11g_home1;Data Source=VDN131DEV15;Persist Security Info=True;ClientId=CLOEE2&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

I just want to replace VDN131DEV15 with another string on all my connection strings.

Possible with web.config transformation ?

Thank you


There are 1 best solutions below


There is no Transform operation defined that will allow you to replace a part of the attribute value rather than the whole value.

I think you would need to write a custom build task to apply an xslt to the file in order to do what you want.