Traversing through and modifying a C json string

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What's the correct way to traverse and modify a JSON string in C?

Specifically, I have a string, body_buf. When printed out

print("length: %d\n%.*s\n", body_len, body_len, body_buf);

It looks like this:

length: 113

Another more complicated body_buf may look like this:


I want to simplify body_buf (which also doubles as removing sensitive information) according to the following rules, only modifying the values, not any of the keys:

  1. Strings become the length of strings.
  2. Array of strings becomes [array_len, max_len, min_len].
  3. Array of numbers becomes [array_len, max, min].

I'm not familiar with working with JSON strings in C. What's the best way to do this?

I can treat body_buf as a string and traverse through it, modifying whatever comes after a ":", because those are bound to be the values I might modify, depending on the type. For arrays, I need to keep track of anything that are sandwiched between "[" and "]". This could work but doesn't seem very straightforward.

Alternatively, perhaps convert the body_buf to a JSON type and then traverse through the nested structure. But then I also have to modify it. I have yet to find a C example (which would be helpful) using json-c or otherwise that traverses and modifies (or create a new one via some kind of deep copy?) a JSON object.

Details (rules above, 1-3) aside, this should be a relatively common operation -- to traverse and modify. So for those more attuned to the intricacies and good/standard practices of json-c or JSON manipulation in general in C, I'm looking for some pointers.

Again, I have json-c:

#include "cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON_Utils.h"
#include <libjson/json.h>
#include <libjson/json_tokener.h>

Relevant information I've looked at so far include the following:

How to get json values after json_tokener_parse()?

Parsing deeply nested JSON key using json-c


There are 1 best solutions below


I don't know how "simplify" the json will be useful. Using json in c can be scary the first time.

I like cJSON library, it is light, portable and stable. It has a good test coverage, and the license is MIT.

I think this code using the library cJSON will do what you asked:

#include <cjson/cJSON.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>

const char json1[] = "{\"field1\":\"something\",\"whatever\":10,\"description\":\"body\",\"id\":\"random\",\"__oh__\":{\"session\":\"12345678jhgfdrtyui\"}}";
const char json2[] = "{\"status\":1,\"query\":{},\"proc\":{\"memory\":{\"total\":17177939968,\"cmax\":18363625472,\"amax\":20000000000},\"cpu\":{\"cores\":[0.788,0.132,0.319,2.951,10.111,3.309,1.43,0.8,2.705,4.203,2.32,2,0.019,0.172,0.247,3.888,0.282,0.423,5.254,0.258,0.009,0.369,3.277,0.048,0.283,7.574,3.086,1.592,0.191,0.166,4.348,0.391,0.085,0.25,7.12,4.927,3.671,1.147,3.216,4.628,0.131,0.995,0.744,4.252,4.022,3.505,3.758,3.491],\"total\":108.886,\"limit\":800},\"disk\":{\"used\":20170,\"limit\":50000,\"io_limit\":500}}}";
const char json3[] = "{\"Name\":\"Tom\",\"Age\":18,\"Address\":\"California\",\"arr\":[1,2,3,4,5]}";

static void simplifyArray(cJSON *input, cJSON *output)
    cJSON *item;
    size_t noElems = 0;
    if (cJSON_IsString(cJSON_GetArrayItem(input, 0))) {
        size_t max, min;
        max = 0;
        min = UINT_MAX;
        cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, input) {
            size_t len = strlen(cJSON_GetStringValue(item));
            if (len > max) max = len;
            if (len < min) min = len;
        cJSON *newArray = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(output, input->string);
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(noElems));
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(max));
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(min));

    } else if (cJSON_IsNumber(cJSON_GetArrayItem(input, 0))) {
        double max, min;
        max = -DBL_MAX;
        min = DBL_MAX;
        cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, input) {
            double value = item->valuedouble;
            if (value > max) max = value;
            if (value < min) min = value;
        cJSON *newArray = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(output, input->string);
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(noElems));
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(max));
        cJSON_AddItemToArray(newArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(min));

static void simplify(cJSON *input, cJSON *output)
    cJSON *elem;
    for (elem = input; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next) {
        if (cJSON_IsString(elem)) {
            cJSON_AddNumberToObject(output, elem->string, strlen(cJSON_GetStringValue(elem)));
        } else if (cJSON_IsArray(elem)) {
            simplifyArray(elem, output);
        } else if (cJSON_IsObject(elem)) {
            cJSON *newOutput = cJSON_AddObjectToObject(output, elem->string);
            simplify(elem->child, newOutput);
        } else {
            cJSON *dup = cJSON_Duplicate(elem, true);
            cJSON_AddItemToObject(output, elem->string, dup);

static void simplifyAndPrint(const char *json)
    cJSON *input = cJSON_Parse(json);
    cJSON *output = cJSON_CreateObject();
    simplify(input->child, output);
    printf("%s\n", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(output));

int main()
    return 0;

The output:


In the example above I preferred don't alter the input JSON, if you don't care about this you can use the funcion cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject to substitute the node.

P.S.: I am assuming arrays contain only strings and numbers, and don't mix it, because there is no rule to handle other array configurations.

P.S.2: This code is using the version of the library present in Ubuntu 20.04, if you download the library from GitHub the version will contain more features.