Triangle with an empty center based on a given height in Javascript

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I had a task recently to do an empty triangle based on a random height given by a user.

It had to look like that but the user set the height

It had to look like that but the user was the one who could set the height.
My script looks like this now:

var hgh = prompt("Set the triangle's height: ");

  for (var i = 1; i <= hgh ; i++) {
    var s = "";
    for (var j = 1; j <= (2 * hgh - 1); j++) {
      if (i != hgh ) {
        if (j == hgh + 1 - i || j == hgh - 1 + i) {
           s += "X";
        else {
          s += " ";
      else {
        s += "X";

The result looks like this:

Which part of my script do I have to correct so that it displays the triangle correctly?


There are 2 best solutions below


The problem is in this condition:

if (j == hgh + 1 - i ... )

hgh is in reality a string (because prompt returns a string). So the "+" operator works on strings here and concatenates hgh and "1" instead of adding these values. If you enter "5", (hgh + 1) will result in "51", not "6".

Quick solution: Rewrite the expression as hgh - i + 1. There is no string subtraction, so (hgh - i) will convert hgh into a number and do a proper subtraction.


I took a slightly different approach but it seems to work OK when rendered within a pre element rather than directly writing to the page as above.

const triangle=()=>{
  let pre=document.querySelector('pre');
  let height=Number( prompt('Set the triangle\'s height:') ) || false;
  let maxheight=32;

  // only proceed with valid integers above 1 & less than 33 in value...
  if( isNaN( height ) || height==false ){
    alert('Not a number numbnut!');
    return false;
  if( height < 2 ){
    alert('Given height is too small');
    return false;
  if( height > maxheight ){
    alert('Too high');
    return false;

  // hwp: Half-Way Point
  let hwp;

  // k: for even numbered triangles subtract this value to the spaces
  let k=0;

  // calculate half way point
  if( height % 2 == 0 ){
    hwp=( height - 1 ) / 2;

  // characters used
  let c=String.fromCharCode(88);
  let s=String.fromCharCode(32);
  let n=String.fromCharCode(10);

  for( let i=0,j=0; i < height-1; i++,j++ ){
    let r=[];
    if( i == 0 ){
        top row should be a single X at the HWP
        preceeded by a certain number of spaces.
        Approx 2 spaces per char
      r.push(s.repeat( hwp * 2 - k ));
        subsequent rows have fewer spaces before the initial
        X but an increasing amount of spaces after.
      r.push(s.repeat( ( hwp * 2 ) - j - k ) );
      r.push(s.repeat( ( j + i ) - 1 ) );
    pre.innerHTML+=[ r.join(''), n ].join('');
  // final row is only X chars ~ approx twice height value
  pre.innerHTML+=c.repeat( ( height * 2 ) - 1  );               
