Tridion Content Port between publications which are different

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I have 2 publication trees in a single Tridion Content Manager 2009 instance

I need to port one set of content (Schemas, Components, etc) from one tree to the next. None of the trees share any common publication so we have something like this

PUB_A              --->           PUB_C   (Schemas)
   PUB_B                              PUB_D   (Components)

I can export the content OK, but nothing exists in PUB_C / D (obviously the publication names are completely different). These components are horribly nested from a legacy website so recreating them is not really an option I want to explore.

Can I use the Content Porter to do this and have it create my items in the new publication? This seems like something it should be able to do but I'm struggling to get my head round the Mapping, tried renaming the "importTarget" attrib in the mapping file but it still insists on trying to reimport to the same as the source export.



There are 2 best solutions below


You can use Content Porter to do this. First you need to rename the source Publications to something different, e.g. PUB_A_TEMP, PUB_B_TEMP. Then you need to rename your target Publications to have the original names of the source Publications, e.g. PUB_C > PUB_A, PUB_D > PUB_B. You can then run your CP import. Once the import has completed then you can rename the Publications back to the original values, starting by renaming the target Publications.


Use importContext attribute

In Content Porter up through SP1, the mappings.xml controls the old-to-new location mapping.

  • Change the importContext attributes to move items.
  • Though it doesn't apply here, you could also use importTitle to change the destination name.
  • Be sure to "url encode" the publication names set in importContext (replace spaces with %20 and dashes with %2D). Content Porter failed when I set these attributes wrong--it's safe to edit and try again.
  • We can't create new items, but we can move them within a system.

Note that we can't move entire publications, we set these per item.

Tip: after getting the mapping right, make the changes using your favorite search and replace technique. I got this move to work once or twice and the biggest issue was typos.

Example change: <tcccp:Mapping exportContext="/Publication/Building%20Blocks" exportTitle="component.xml" importContext="/Destination%20%Pub" importTitle="" />

Port Parts at a Time

For fairly clean content ports and to test mapping changes, it helps to break things down by dependency from the most basic template building blocks and up.

For example, I'd typically focus on one or two sets of the following.

  1. Keywords (and Categories if needed)
  2. Embeddable schema
  3. Regular schema
  4. Components and/or Templates
  5. Pages

The biggest challenge with this kind of un-connected move might be dependencies, namely issues with moving a schema that's in use. Though I'm not entirely sure if CP will outright fail. If there's a shared parent, then moving schema up *might* work.

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