Trouble Scraping a Page Full of JavaScript Code Using Python and Selenium

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I am currently working on a web scraping project using Python and Selenium, and I'm encountering difficulties with a particular webpage that seems to be heavily reliant on JavaScript. When I inspect the page source, I can't find any HTML code to search within. Consequently, when I use the find_element method in Selenium, it raises a NoSuchElementException.

I have attempted various approaches, including trying different attributes such as CSS selectors and class names, but none have been successful in locating the elements I need.

browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome().install()) browser.get('') browser.find_element(By.ID,"login-service-number-et")

i tried use mechanicalsoup library and also deosnt work, howver when i inscpect an element in a page it show me the html code, but when i open 'opent page source' it is full of java script code and the webdriver object always get the javascript code


There are 1 best solutions below


It is due to the page not fully loading when you're searching for the element which causes the NoSuchElementException, You'll have to wait till that resource is visible, have a look at webdriver wait but essentially for example:

  # creates a waiting object with the amount of time it should wait before returning and error message
    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);
#this essentially says wait till the element to be located is visible i.e if you're waiting on a button to load, it'll wait till its visible before whatever you want to do

Thats just a high level view but expected conditions has different use cases for what you'd like to do

Documentation on wait stratergies :