Twitter card image won't show up

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Description of issue: My card image refuses to show up no matter what I do. All the other meta tag elements like url, title and description show up in the compose tweet window and on the timeline when I post a tweet.

URL affected: Here’s the url that’s having issues:

Troubleshooting steps attempted: I’ve done all the troubleshooting recommended at Card Debugging and the image still doesn’t show up:

  • My metatags are formatted properly and show up when I view page source. Curl requests output also show my meta tags.
  • As far as I can see, my host doesn’t block Twitter’s IP range as all the other meta tag elements appear in the card.
  • The image file is accessible via the absolute path provided in the meta tag.
  • The Card Validator shows the following in the log:
INFO:  Page fetched successfully
INFO:  17 metatags were found
INFO:  twitter:card = summary_large_image tag found
INFO:  Card loaded successfully
  • I tested hosting my image file on both http and https pages just in the event that contributes to the error in some way.
  • The image conforms to the size guidelines. It’s 1200pxx600px, 2:1 aspect ratio and 336.67kb.

It seems to me like I’m doing everything right. I’m not sure what the issue is.


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