Twitter Hovercards in GWT PagingScrollTable

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How do you implement Twitter Hovercards in GWT PagingScrollTable?

The Hovercard links work fine when, say, I add new Label("@ded") to a HorizontalPanel. However the Twitter JavaScript function doesn't seem to apply when I put "@ded" into a PagingScrollTable row.

I'm a JavaScript newbie.

In response to Igor's request, here's some more details. According to the Twitter docs I put a couple of scripts into the <head> of my HTML file:

<script src=""
<!-- Twitter @Anywhere Hovercards -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    twttr.anywhere(function (T) {

Then the Hovercards work as described above, except in a GWT PagingScrollTable. For example, I've implemented an AbstractColumnDefinition whose getCellValue() method returns "@ded". The "@ded" appears in the table, but it doesn't seem to be recognized by the scripts---the "ded" part is not underlined as it is outside the table (the Twitter doc shows an example of working Hovercards).

Looking at it with a web inspector, I see that new Label("@ded") appears as

<div class="gwt-Label">
    <a class="twitter-anywhere-user" href="">ded</a>

but in the last row of my table I see

        <tr style="background:#fafafa;" class>
            <td class>@ded</td>

And I've found an error in the logs when I page the table and try to invoke the second script as JSNI, but only when the rows are loaded from cached data:

04:15:51.280 [ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped (ReferenceError): Can't find variable: twttr  
 line: 3  
 sourceId: 4675433328  
 expressionBeginOffset: 209  
 expressionCaretOffset: 214  
 expressionEndOffset: 214   

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